luni, 27 iunie 2011

The Encounter (2010)

The Encounter (2010)

"I am the light of the world. He who believes in me shall not perish."
Stranded in the middle of nowhere, five strangers take refuge in a deserted roadside diner. An arrogant businessman, a lonely woman, an estranged couple, and a teen runaway, they appear to have nothing in common. But the Christlike proprietor seems strangely all-knowing and offers more than temporal nourishment.
The Encounter is a inspirational and faith-filled family drama about 5 people who are brought face to face jesus and encouraged to examin the true condition of there lives.
Stranded in the middle of nowhere, five strangers find themselves marooned in a deserted roadside diner.An inspirational and faith-filled family drama about 5 people who are brought face to face jesus and encouraged to examine the true condition of there lives.

"Eu sunt lumina lumii Cine crede în Mine nu va pieri.." Blocaţi într-un loc necunoscut, cinci străini se refugiază într-un restaurant de pe marginea drumului pustiu. Un om de afaceri arogant, o femeie singură, un cuplu certat şi o adolescenă fugară, toţi aceştia se pare că nu au nimic în comun. Dar slujitorul lui Hristos pare ciudat de atotcunoscător şi oferă mai mult decât hrană temporară. Un film frumos asemănător cu The Perfect Stranger şi Another Perfect Stranger

Director: David A.R. White
Writer: Sean Paul Murphy, Timothy Ratajczak
Starring: Bruce Marchiano, Jaci Velasquez, Steve Borden
Runtime: 91 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

AVI / DVD-Rip / Xvid / 720x400 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 448 kbps / 1.41 GB

Un comentariu:

  1. LINK PROVIDED ARE NOT WORKING/FAKE! I have the full movie, and all I can say is that this is really a must-watch!

    CLICK HERE TO watch / DOWNLOAD THE movie

    CLICK HERE TO watch / DOWNLOAD THE movie

