vineri, 29 aprilie 2011

Slave of Dreams [1995]

Slave of Dreams [1995]

The Biblical story of Joseph.
The Egyyptian executioner's wife tries to seduce Hebrew slave Joseph to fulfill a dream they are experiencing simultaneously.
"Slave of Dreams" is one of the two 1995 Biblical TV movies produced by Showtime and Dino De Laurentiis and directed by Robert M. Young, the other one being Solomon & Sheba (1995) (TV). Both films were shot in 1994 in Morocco.

Un film despre credinta, vise, iertare si compasiune, totul petrecandu-se in mirificele decoruri ale Egiptului antic. Filmul este povestea lui Joseph, cel care avea o mare credinta in Dumnezeu, vandut de fratele sau drept sclav pentru ca Joseph visase ca intr-o zi va deveni mai puternic decat faraonul.

Director: Robert M. Young
Writer: Ron Hutchinson
Starring: Edward James Olmos, Sherilyn Fenn, Adrian Pasdar
Genre: Drama
Release: 10 December 1995
Runtime: 95 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 512x384 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 116 kbps / 700 MB

marți, 26 aprilie 2011

Patch Adams (1998)

Patch Adams (1998)

The film tells the story of Hunter "Patch" Adams (Williams), a medical doctor who became famous for his unconventional approach to medicine. After attempting suicide, he checks himself into a mental institution, where he gradually bonds with his fellow patients. During this time he is inspired to become a medical doctor, and discovers that he is able to forget his own problems by helping others. Two years later, he enrolls at Virginia Medical University (a fictitious school shot at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill campus) and he is the oldest first year student. He questions the school's approach to medical care, and clashes with the school's Dean Walcott (Bob Gunton), who believes that doctors must distance themselves from patients. Because of this and other incidents, including a prank during a medical conference, he is expelled from the school, although he is later reinstated.

Faceti cunostinta cu Patch Adams (Castigatorul premiului Oscar, Robin Williams), un doctor care nu arata, nu se comporta si nu gandeste ca nici un doctor cunoscut de dumneavoastra. Pentru Patch, umorul este cel mai bun medicament si este dispus sa faca orice pentru a aduce un zambet pe fetele pacientilor sai - chiar daca acest lucru pune in pericol cariera sa. Bazat pe o poveste reala, Un doctor trasnit combina comedia cu o poveste inspirata care transcede umorul traditional. Hunter Adams este un tanar cu probleme si se interneaza singur intr-un spital de nebuni. Experienta sa in spital il convinge sa devina doctor si se inscrie la facultatea de medicina unde este ingrozit de raceala cu care sunt tratati pacientii de catre medici. Determinat sa ii faca pe pacienti sa rada si sa se simta bine, Adams glumeste si face pe clovnul pentru a le afla personalitatile si nevoile. Eforturile sale par sa dea roade iar cadrele medicale il apreciaza foarte mult, insa metodele lui neobisnuite il supara pe colegul sau de camera Mitch ca si pe profesorii facultatii. Adams nu se lasa insa si isi deschide o mica clinica intr-o zona rurala pe care o numeste Gesundheit Institute. El se indragosteste de Carin, o colega, dar cand aceasta este omorata de unul din pacientii sai, Adams trebuie sa isi apere stilul si felul de a fi in fata unei comisii care este determinata sa-l opreasca sa mai practice medicina.

Director: Tom Shadyac
Writer: Patch Adams, Maureen Mylander, Steve Oedekerk
Starring: Robin Williams, Daniel London, Monica Potter
Genre: Biography | Comedy | Drama
Release: 25 December 1998
Runtime: 111 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 416x240 / 25 fps / mp3 / 44000Hz / 128 kbps / 700 MB

luni, 25 aprilie 2011

Peaceful Warrior (2006)

Peaceful Warrior (2006)

Arrogant, talented Dan Millman seems to have the perfect college life: a stunning gymnast's body of incredible strength, handsome looks, good grades, plenty of money and a shot at the Olympic qualifiers in men's gymnastics. Still, Dan wakes up almost nightly from terrifying nightmares and odd visions he can't explain or dismiss. One night, awakened by yet another nightmare, Dan goes for a run through his foggy neighborhood and comes upon a well-lit service station. Behind the counter, an old man seemingly moves without regard for space or time. One moment, Dan is paying for his snacks, the next the old man is on the roof of the station. Stunned by the impossibility, Dan begs the old man, whom he instinctually names Socrates, to share the secret of his abilities in order to achieve his goal of Olympic Gold. The old man puts him through a regimen that changes his diet, training, and lifestyle. Before long, his life is ruined, and he loses his friends, his girls, and is almost thrown off his Gymnastics squad. Thus begins a journey of discovery for Dan that will shatter every preconceived notion he has about academics, athletics, and achievement, Guided by Socrates, Dan will consider a whole new ideology--one that values consciousness over intelligence, strength in spirit over strength in body. But in order to succeed, Dan must somehow let go of all of his expectations--and simply live in the now.

Dan Millman (Scott Mechlowicz) este un gimnast care viseaza sa castige o medalie la Olimpiada, a carui lume se rastoarna cand intalneste un strain misterios numit Socrates (Nick Nolte). Socrates detine puterea de a ajunge la noi niveluri ale puterii si intelegerii. Dupa ce sufera un accident, cu ajutorul lui Socrate si al unei tinere, Joy (Amy Smart), Dan descopera ca trebuie sa invete multe si sa uite si mai multe inainte de a putea deveni un luptator impacat cu sine insusi. Titlul vine de la lupta pe care fiecare om o duce înăuntrul său, o luptă care îi aduce pace şi fericire. Este unul din acele filme care iţi dau o poftă nebună de viaţă.

Director: Victor Salva
Writer: Kevin Bernhardt, Dan Millman
Starring: Scott Mechlowicz, Nick Nolte and Amy Smart
Genre: Drama | Romance | Sport
Release: 13 April 2007
Runtime: 116 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 620x258 / 25 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 112 kbps / 701 MB

duminică, 3 aprilie 2011

The Way Home (2010)

The Way Home (2010)

Dean Cain stars as Randy Simpkins, a husband and father torn between the demands of his job and commitment to his family. Asked by his wife Christal to watch their two-year-old son Joe for a few minutes, Randy is distracted by work and Joe disappears. Racked by guilt, Randy joins Christal in a desperate search for their missing son alongside hundreds of others from their church and community. Randy and Christal’s strained marriage must now weather the ultimate test—the potential loss of a child. THE WAY HOME is the story of Randy’s powerful spiritual journey back to love, faith and a Godly understanding of what must always take first priority in a man's life—his family.”

Inspirata dintr-o poveste reala, drama "The Way Home" urmareste modul in care o intreaga comunitate raspunde la strigatul disperat de ajutor al sotilor Christal si Randy Simpkins, care isi cauta copilul disparut. Christal si-a dorit dintotdeauna ca sotul ei sa nu mai fie atat de dependent de munca si sa acorde mai multa atentie vietii de familie, insa Randy a continuat sa puna indatoririle de serviciu pe primul plan. Atunci cand sotia il roaga sa il supravegheze pentru cateva minute pe fiul lor in varsta de 2 ani pe nume Joe, Randy Simpkins il urmareste cu placere pe micut plimbandu-se cu tricicleta prin curtea din fata a casei pana in momentul in care se lasa absorbit de o alta activitate si uita de copil. Lui Randy ii ingheata sangele in vine vazand ca Joe a disparut fara urma si incepe sa il caute prin vecinatate impreuna cu sotia lui. Pe masura ce timpul se scurge si Joe pare sa fi intrat in pamant, Christal si Randy Simpkins incep sa isi pierda credinta si speranta ca il vor gasi in viata pe baiat, desi politia si cateva sute de localnici dau dovada de solidaritate si se alatura eforturilor lor de cautare.

Director: Lance W. Dreesen
Writer: Lance W. Dreesen
Starring: Dean Cain, Lori Beth Edgeman, Sonny Shroyer
Genre: Drama | Family
Release Date: 25 October 2010
Runtime: 89 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 640x368 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 161 kbps / 700 MB