luni, 30 mai 2011

The Small One (1978)

The Small One (1978)

A young Judean boy tries to sell his beloved old donkey to someone who would care for him as much as he does.
A young boy must part with his beloved donkey, named "Small One". When he takes him into town to sell him, the only person who wants to buy him is the tanner. When all hope seems lost in finding a kind master and Small One leads his master back to the tanner's shop where he is willing to sacrifice his life. A miracle happens, and he is bought by Joseph to carry Mary to Bethlehem.

Un băiat iudeu încearcă să-şi vândă măgarusul său iubit si batran cuiva care ar avea grija de magarus la fel de mult ca el. Un băiat trebuie să porneasca la drum cu măgarul său iubit, numit "Micutul".Când îl ia în oraş să-l vândă, singura persoană care vrea să-l cumpere este tăbăcarul. Când orice speranţă în găsirea unui stapan bun pare pierduta, Micutul si stăpânul său se întorc la tăbăcărie unde el este dispus să-şi sacrifice viaţa. Cand totul parea pierdut, se intampla un miracol, un om prietenos, Joseph, vrea sa cumpere magarusul pentru a transporta pe sotia lui insarcinata, Maria, la Betleem.

Director: Don Bluth
Writer: Vance Gerry, Charles Tazewell
Starring: Sean Marshall, William Woodson, Olan Soule
Genre: Animation | Family
Release: 16 December 1978
Runtime: 26 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 640x480 / 29 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 128 kbps / 406 MB

vineri, 27 mai 2011

Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

Hotaru no haka (Grave of the Fireflies) (1988)

Grave of the Fireflies is a 1988 Japanese animated war drama film written and directed by Isao Takahata. This is the first film produced by Shinchosha, who hired Studio Ghibli to do the animation production work. It is an adaptation of the semi-autobiographical novel of the same name by Akiyuki Nosaka, intended as a personal apology to the author's own sister.
Setsuko and Seita are brother and sister living in wartime Japan. After their mother is killed in an air raid they find a temporary home with relatives. Having quarreled with their aunt they leave the city and make their home in an abandoned shelter. While their soldier father's destiny is unknown, the two must depend on each other to somehow keep a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. When everything is in short supply, they gradually succumb to hunger and their only entertainment is the light of the fireflies.
Grave of the Fireflies opens on an evening in 1945, after Japan's surrender at the end of World War II; and in a train station, the young Seita dies alone. The rest of the movie tells us, in flashback, how things have come to this. Seita and Setsuko are two young Japanese children growing up in the waning days of World War II. Much to Seita's pride, their father is in the Japanese navy, and they live fairly content lives in Kobe despite rationing and the other privations of war. When their mother dies from burns suffered during an American fire-bombing raid, a distant aunt takes them in -- and conflict eventually forces the children to try to survive on their own. At first, Seita and his little sister enjoy their idyllic lives in the country, but harsh reality eventually settles in as Seita begins to understand the difficulties of taking care of a young child when both food and compassion are scarce. ~ Emru Townsend,

Un film de animaţie japonez de 1988 care prezintă drama unei ţări în timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial din perspectiva a doi copii care trebuie să supravieţuiască printre ruine, oameni răi şi printre obuzele avioanelor care cad necontenit. Multe filme sunt dramatice, multe filme pot să te emoţioneze cu adevărat dar parcă filmele de animaţie nu sunt destinate pentru acest scop. Cu toate acestea "Grave of the fireflies" poate fi cu uşurinţă considerat drept unul dintre cele mai emoţionante filme de animaţie si nu este vorbea de bucuria redescoperirii unor sentimente din copilărie ci despre sentimente care te apasă, te întristează pentru că drama celor doi copii nu are cum să nu te atingă. Grave of the fireflies este o poveste de război, o poveste care nu are loc pe front dar care e la fel de dramatică. După un raid aerian Seita şi Setsuko, un băiat de vreo 12 ani şi o fetiţă de vreo 6 se pierd de mama lor. În scurt timp Seita descoperă că aceasta a fost rănită grav în atac şi că nimic nu se mai poate face pentru salvarea ei. Pentru că nu mai au pe nimeni cei doi fraţi se mută la o rudă dar sărăcia îi determină să plece de acolo după ce bunătatea rudei s-a transformat în răutate. Singuri pe lume cei doi se mută într-o mină abandonată şi încearcă să supravieţuiască unei perioade extrem de dificile. Drama celor doi fraţi este extrem de emoţionată. Zilnic Seita încearcă să-i ofere sorei sale toată atenţia de care are nevoie. Încearcă să-i ofere bunătate într-o lume care nu mai are, încearcă să-i ofere mâncare când absolut totul este redus la raţii inumane. Şi mai mult Seita încearcă să-i ofere fericire pentru ca cea mică să nu se gândească la mama ei moartă şi îngropată într-o groapă comună. Din păcate, cu cât timpul trece drama se amplifică pentru că lipsa unei alimentaţii sănătoase şi a unei locuinşe decente nu poate duce decât la îmbolnăvire. Grave of the fireflies este o dramă despre supravieţuire, este o dramă în care subtil se strecoară şi fericirea datorită unui personaj care-şi creşte surioara pentru că ea semnifică totul pentru el. E un film care te suprinde prin atenţia la detalii, prin dramatism şi prin răutate. Dacă vreţi să vedeţi o faţă dureroasă a războiului, o lume dură prin ochii unor copii vizionaţi acest anime senzaţional.

Director: Isao Takahata
Writer: Akiyuki Nosaka, Isao Takahata
Starring: Tsutomu Tatsumi, Ayano Shiraishi, Akemi Yamaguchi
Genre: Animation | Drama | War
Release: 16 April 1988
Runtime: 91 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 608x336 / 25 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 131 kbps / 705 MB

miercuri, 25 mai 2011

Pirates Of The Caribbean - On Stranger Tides (2011)

Pirates Of The Caribbean - On Stranger Tides (2011)

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides is a 2011 American adventure fantasy film and the fourth installment in the Pirates of the Caribbean series. In the film, Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is joined by Angelica (Penélope Cruz) in his search for the Fountain of Youth, confronting the infamous pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane). The plot draws inspiration from the novel On Stranger Tides by Tim Powers, which also inspired the LucasArts game The Secret of Monkey Island. It is directed by Rob Marshall, written by Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, and produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
Johnny Depp returns to his iconic role of Captain Jack Sparrow in an action-packed adventure. Crossing paths with the enigmatic Angelica (Penélope Cruz), he's not sure if it's love-or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the "Queen Anne's Revenge," the ship of the legendary pirate Blackbeard (Ian McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know whom to fear more: Blackbeard or Angelica, with whom he shares a mysterious past.

"Piratii din Caraibe: Pe ape si mai tulburi" surprinde distracţia, aventura şi umorul ce "aprinde" franciza - de această dată în Disney Digital 3D. În această poveste plină de acţiune, istorisiri ale adevărului, trădare, tinereţe şi moarte. În această poveste despre adevăr, trădare, tinereţe şi moarte, căpitanul Jack Sparrow reîntâlneşte o femeie din trecutul său şi habar n-are dacă între ei se reaprinde scânteia dragostei sau ea doar îl foloseşte pentru a găsi legendara Fântână a Tinereţii. Când este obligat să se urce la bordul navei Revenge, condusă de formidabilul pirat Blackbeard, Jack se trezeşte în faţa unei neaşteptate aventuri în care nu ştie de ce să se teamă mai mult: de Blackbeard sau de femeia din trecutul său.

Director: Rob Marshall
Writer: Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio
Starring: Johnny Depp, Penélope Cruz, Ian McShane
Genre: Action | Adventure | Fantasy
Release: 7 May 2011
Runtime: 128 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

MKV / TS / XVID H264 / 720x296 / 23 fps / AC3 / 48000Hz / 125 kbps / 698 MB

luni, 23 mai 2011

A Shine of Rainbows (2009)

A Shine of Rainbows (2009)

An extraordinary woman helps an orphan boy find self-acceptance and love through her unique gifts of colour and magic. Set in a small village on wind-swept Corrie Island, just off the coast of Ireland, A Shine of Rainbows is a story about the transformational power of love, finding acceptance, discovering magic and realizing that rainbows are all around you and within you, too.
Maire O'Donnell is a loving woman as rare as a double rainbow. Joyful, warm and caring, she adopts a young orphan named Tomas and whisks him off to a new home on remote Corrie Island, off the coast of Ireland. Maire shares with Tomas the joys of her island home and introduces him to the whimsical local folklore, including the secret of the seals, and teaches him that everything you need is inside of you- if you really look. But Maire's stern husband Alec silently disapproves of Tomas' timidity and halting speech. He can't hide his disappointment that Tomas isn't the kind of child he was hoping for and his reluctance to get to know the boy makes Tomas unsure of whether he really belongs. Soon though, Tomas too falls in love with his home, befriending local children, descending into a secret bat-filled cave, and saving a stranded baby seal. When tragedy strikes however, Tomas is faced with his greatest challenge yet...

Bazata pe romanul omonim al autoarei Lilian Beckwith, drama "A shine of rainbows" relateaza povestea unui baietel in varsta de 8 ani pe nume Tomas, care duce o viata solitara si trista intr-un orfelinat din Irlanda, fiind tachinat si bruscat de catre ceilalti orfani din pricina blandetii si timiditatii sale. Atunci cand exuberanta, incantatoarea si energica Maire O'Donnell decide sa il adopte pe copil si sa il aduca pe insula Corrie, acolo unde locuieste impreuna cu sotul ei Alec, Tomas simte ca i s-a oferit o a doua sansa la fericire. Ocrotit si invaluit de dragostea noii lui mame, baiatul isi face prieteni pe insula, dobandeste incredere in fortele proprii, devine sociabil si invata ca magia exista pretutindeni in jurul lui, cu conditia sa o caute. Traind in comuniune cu natura si redescoperindu-se pe sine sub indrumarea Mairei, Tomas salveaza viata unui pui de foca esuat pe plaja si invata sa il ingrijeasca. Numai ca existenta linistita a copilului este amenintata de sanatatea subreda a Mairei si de refuzul severului si morocanosului pescar Alec de a semna actele de adoptie...

Director: Vic Sarin
Writer: Vic Sarin, Catherine Spear
Starring: Connie Nielsen, Aidan Quinn, John Bell
Genre: Drama | Family
Release: Apr 23, 2010
Runtime: 101 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 640x256 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 125 kbps / 698 MB

vineri, 20 mai 2011

Extreme Days (2001)

Extreme Days (2001)

After graduation from junior college, four life-long friends--brothers Will and Brian Davidson, Corey Ng, and Matt McKeague--set off on one last road trip adventure before settling down into adulthood. Ever since they were kids, they had shared a love for extreme sports, and so they decide to pack up their "Joyota" and set off on a journey to surf, skate, and snowboard along the West Coast. Not very far into their journey, the travelers happen across a confident damsel in distress, Jessie Jacobs, on whom Brian forms an instant crush. His efforts to make her his next conquest, however, are quickly dismantled as he discovers that she is surprisingly different. The road trip proves to be everything and more than the young adventurers had ever imagined. From the mountains of Mammoth to the streets of San Francisco, Brian, Matt, Corey, Will and Jessie daringly put their will and skill on the line, while ultimately testing their bond of friendship.

Patru prieteni se imbarca intr-o aventura comica plina cu adrenalina aferenta sporturilor extreme... Dupa terminarea liceului, prietenii de o viata Will, Bryan, Matt, si Corey pleaca intr-o calatorie pe care si-o planificasera toate viata, cand bunicul lui Corey moare pe neasteptate. Mergand sa ia mostenirea ramasa lui Corey, cei patru se intalnesc cu frumoasa verisoara a lui Jessie si, impreuna, pornesc intr-o aventura amuzanta, plina de sporturi extreme, ca surfing, skateboarding, motocross sau snowboarding. Un film incitant, cu multe suisuri si coborasuri, plin de actiune, comedie, dar si romantism.

Director: Eric Hannah
Writer: Eric Hannah, Craig Detweiler
Starring: Dante Basco, Ryan Browning, A.J. Buckley, Derek Hamilton, Cassidy Rae
Genre: Comedy | Action | Adventure | Romance
Release: 30 September 2001
Runtime: 94 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 560x304 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 173 kbps / 700 MB

joi, 19 mai 2011

Your Love Never Fails (2011)

Your Love Never Fails (2011)

A working mother discovers that some commitments are worth keeping when her husband files for joint custody of their nine year old daughter, and she is forced to put her career on hold for the sake of her broken family. All Laura (Elisa Donovan) wants is a little more time with her daughter Kelsey. But being a single mother in New York City isn't easy, especially when your boss expects you to work around the clock. When Laura receives a letter stating that her husband Dylan (Brad Rowe) is seeking joint custody, she reluctantly returns to Texas to fight back. Once there, however, Laura begins to reconsider the importance of family after reconnecting with her estranged father (Tom Skerritt), and relaying her concerns to kind-hearted local pastor Frank (John Schneider), who offers some sage advice on the important roles that both parents play in raising a child.

Dragostea ta nu dă greş niciodată...sau "Dragostea ta nu va pieri niciodată" este povestea Laurei (Elisa Donovan), o mamă muncitoare care vrea doar să-şi petreacă mai mult timp cu fiica ei Kelsey de 9 ani. Din păcate, şeful ei Paul (Fred Willard) este foarte exigent şi are cu totul alte idei. Când tatăl lui Kelsey, Dylan (Brad Rowe) obţine custodia comună, Laura este obligată să o ia pe Kelsey la Texas, unde se confruntă cu un alt stil de viaţă, cu biserica şi cu tatăl ei (Tom Skerritt) pe care l-a lăsat în urmă. Cu ajutorul pastorului bisericii localel, Frank (John Schneider), Laura şi Dylan vor găsi drumul înapoi la angajamentele lor pe care l-au luat fiecare şi drumul înapoi către Kelsey.

Director: Michael Feifer
Writer: Peter Sullivan, Michael Feifer
Starring: Elisa Donovan, Brad Rowe, Anna Barnholtz, Tom Skerritt
Genre: Comedy | Western | Romance
Release: 5 April 2011
Runtime: 96 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 720x400 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 448 kbps / 1.39 GB

luni, 16 mai 2011

Damascus (2009)

Damascus (2009)

Damascus Speaks - Saint Paul is a docu-drama emphasizing and lightening on the relationship between Paul and the city of Damascus wich is the capital of Syria The exact local places of Syria, in the same places where Paul met Jesus and shined on him on the road to Damascus, the house of Ananias in Damascus and Judah's house where Paul was healed, the wall of Damascus, the Antioch church....

Original title: Damashq Tatkalm
Director: Khaled AL Khaled
Starring: Khais Al Shaikh Najib, Abd Alrahman Abou Alkassem, Hany Al Romany, Nadin
Genre: Drama | History
Release: September 2009
Runtime: 78 min
Language: English & Arabian (original language)
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 624x368 / 25 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 108 kbps / 700 MB

sâmbătă, 14 mai 2011

Blind Fury (1989)

Blind Fury (1989)

Nick Parker was a Vietnam vet who got blinded during the war. He would be found by one of the local tribes. They would teach how to handle a sword. He would eventually become quite good with it. He would then return to the States and would visit an old Army buddy. When he gets there, he discovers that he and his wife are divorced. What they don’t know is that he (his friend) was playing in a crooked casino in Vegas, and accumulated a large debt. The owner’s willing to forget his debt, if he does something for him. His friend is a chemist and they want him to make some designer drugs, and in order to make sure he does it they try and kidnap his son. But lucky Nick is there, Nick saves his son but not his wife. He and the boy begin a road trip for Vegas to save his father, with the owner’s people in pursuit.

Nick Parker este un veteran al razboiului din Vietnam, unde a ramas orb. Dupa acest tragic eveniment, el a fost gasit de o comunitate locala si a invatat sa se descurce cu ajutorul celorlalte simturi, precum si sa se apere singur si sa foloseasca sabia. Dupa cativa ani, se intoarce in SUA si merge sa isi viziteze un fost camarad de arme. Ajuns la acesta acasa, ii gaseste pe sotia si pe fiul acestuia, care mai apoi sunt atacati de gorilele unui sef mafiot din Las Vegas, unde prietenul sau avea o datorie mare. Nicky il salveaza pe fiul prietenului sau, dar din pacate sotia moare. Acum Nicky este cel care trebuie sa-l protejeze pe fiul camaradului lui si sa-si salveze si prietenul din mainile mafiotilor.

Director: Phillip Noyce
Writer: Ryôzô Kasahara, Charles Robert Carner
Starring: Rutger Hauer, Terry O'Quinn, Brandon Call
Genre: Action
Release: 16 March 1990
Runtime: 83 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 672x352 / 25 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 192 kbps / 744 MB

vineri, 6 mai 2011

Fiddler On The Roof (1971)

Fiddler On The Roof (1971)

The film centers on the family of Tevye (Topol), a Jewish family living in the town of Anatevka, in Tsarist Russia, in 1905. Anatevka is broken into two sections: a small Orthodox Jewish section; and a larger Orthodox Christian section. Tevye notes that, "We don't bother them, and so far, they don't bother us." Throughout the film, Tevye breaks the fourth wall by talking at times, directly to the audience or to the heavens (to God), for the audience's benefit. Much of the story is also told in musical form.
Tevye is very poor, despite working hard, like most Jews in Anatevka, also having many children. He and his wife, Golde (Norma Crane), have five daughters and cannot afford to give them dowries. According to their tradition, they have to rely on the village matchmaker, Yente (Molly Picon), to find them husbands. Life in the shtetl of Anatevka is very hard and Tevye speaks not only of the difficulties of being poor but also of the Jewish community's constant fear of harassment from their non-Jewish neighbors.
Strong film adaptation of one of the greatest musicals ever. Jewison beautifully recaptures the essence of the Alchiem stories with wonderful cinematography, editing and performances from Teyve, Frey and Molly Picon. One of the last great movie musicals.

Doamnelor si domnilor, va prezentam unul dintre cele mai iubite muzicaluri ale celei de-a doua jumatati a secolului 20, un film exceptional despre traditie, dragoste si familie.
Filmul este o ecranizare după opera, Tevye şi fiicele sale, scrisă de umoristul evreu, Shalom Aleichem. Scripcarul de pe acoperiş este o poveste tipică despre o familie de evrei care duc o viaţă simplă sub domnia legilor nemiloase a Rusiei Ţariste. Tevye (Topol) şi soţia sa Golde (Norma Crane) se străduiesc ca să găsească celor trei fiice mai mari câte un soţ potrivit din micul lor sat rusesc, Anatevka. Yente (Molly Picon), peţitoare neoficială a satului a aflat că înstăritul măcelar al satului, Lazar Wolf (Paul Mann), şi-a pus ochii pe fiica cea mai mare a lui Tevye, Tzeidel (Rosalind Harris). Totuşi, fără ştirea tatălui, Tzeidel şi-a dat deja acordul tânărului croitor, Motel (Leonard Frey - nominalizat la premiul Oscar) de a-i fii viitorul ei soţ. Rămas fără vreo cerere onorabilă a nubilei sale fiice, Tevye reuşeşte să-şi păstreze traditia dedicându-se copiilor săi cu o pasiune oarbă. Acest act de jonglerie este simbolizat de un scripcar fredonând un cântec, fiind cocoţat în mod riscant pe coama unui acoperiş, ceea ce îl determină pe Tevye să ceară ajutorul lui Dumnezeu pentru a-l îndruma şi a-i alina neliniştea din sufletul lui. Apărut în 1971, versiunea filmului, Scripcarul pe acoperiş a avut un succes mult mai mare decât producţia teatrală, care s-a jucat ani de-a rândul pană la deschiderea sa oficială din 1964.
Numerele muzicale sunt exceptionale, iar eleganta si frumusetea acestui film va vor cuceri cu siguranta.

Director: Norman Jewison
Writer: Sholom Aleichem, Joseph Stein
Starring: Topol, Norma Crane, Leonard Frey
Genre: Drama | Family
Release: 3 November 1971
Runtime: 181 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 608x224 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 128 kbps / 698 MB

joi, 5 mai 2011

Black Oasis (2005)

Black Oasis (2005)

A lot can happen over 24 hours, especially in the life of one hurting teenager named Emily. Once a Daddy's girl, Emily tries to connect one last time with her divorced father who has moved on with a new wife and child. Emily is left alone to care for her bitter, struggling mother. Her life-long friend and soul mate, Christine, tries to help, but her allegiances are split over new friends. But now Emily has a mysterious new friend, Amber, who seems to understand her better than anyone. Togetherthey tempt death seeking a new home that exists only in the life on the other side of death. BLACK OASIS tells an authentic, dark and cautionary story of the forces that pull at today's teenagers and their families, and the conflicting choices presented in everyone's life and faith.
Shut out, left alone… which way will Emily turn? This drama gets to the heart of difficulties that many post-modern teens are dealing with today: Peer pressure, cutting, suicide, divorced parents. In this story, we meet Emily, a girl struggling with the pain of her parents’ failed marriage and the dark temptations of a new friend.
This is an authentic, hard-hitting and ultimately compassionate story about the forces that tear at today’s families. The intense emotion of Emily’s journey will motivate discussion on a wide range of issues relevant to today’s teens and parents.

Director: Andrew Lewis
Writer: Andrew Lewis, Jennifer Lewis
Starring: Rhoda Griffis, Amber Wallace, Susanna Lewis
Genre: Drama | Horror | Thriller
Release: 2005
Runtime: 26 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 720x480 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 160 kbps / 334 MB

marți, 3 mai 2011

Angel Wars: The Messengers - Unleash Heaven (2009)

Angel Wars: The Messengers - Unleash Heaven (2009)

In a city of darkness, they are the light. From some of the world's most visionary animators comes an action-packed, feature-length adventure of two young warriors in the battle between the forces of good and evil! Kira and Eli are the newest members of the Guardian Force, a group of angel warriors sworn to protect the world from the powers of evil. Not yet full Guardians, the young duo still has a lot to learn, but when darkness descends over the city, the time for training is over. Faced with the responsibility of delivering hope to a lost city, they must learn to work together to drive back the soldiers of darkness and grow into the warriors they are destined to become.
Kira and Eli are the newest members of the Guardian Force, a group of angel warriors sworn to protect the world from the powers of evil. Not yet full Guardians, the young duo still has a lot to learn, but when darkness descends over the city, the time for training is over. Faced with the responsibility of delivering hope to a lost city, they must learn to work together to drive back the soldiers of darkness and grow into the warriors they are destined to become.

Director: Jason Brian Adams
Writer: Charlotte Fullerton, Don Handfield
Starring: Justin Moran, Nancy Johnson, John Daniels
Genre: Animation / Adventure / SF / Action
Release: 17 March 2009
Runtime: 90 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 576x320 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 126 kbps / 697 MB

duminică, 1 mai 2011

Androcles and the Lion (1952)

Androcles and the Lion (1952)

In Shaw's sparkling play set in the last days of the Roman Empire, a Christian tailor named Androcles helps a suffering lion by removing a thorn from his paw. Later, after Caesar has rounded up the Christians and sentenced them to death by the beast, the lion refuses to harm the man who has been so kind to him.
Androcles is an escaped slave who is on the run from his Roman captors. While hiding in the forest he comes upon a wild lion who, instead of attacking the weak and starving slave, approaches him with a wounded paw, which he holds out to Androcles as if to beg his assistance. Androcles sees that the source of the lion's agony is a large thorn embedded in the paw; the slave courageously pulls it out. The lion is greatly relieved and for some time brings Androcles food which it has killed. Soon, however, Androcles is recaptured and sentenced to be thrown to the lions in the colosseum. When he stands in the arena, with nothing but a sword to defend himself, the lion is released upon him. It turns out to be none other than the lion which Androcles had helped, and the two embrace each other — in front of thousands of aghast people and an astonished Roman Emperor. Upon hearing Androcles' tale, the Emperor orders the slave to be freed, and releases them both.

Suntem in Roma in anul 161 in timpul imparatului Claudius. Cato il anunta pe Editor(un gladiator) ca intentioneaza sa-i adune pe toti crestinii din Syracusa pentru a-i arunca in arena. Megaera afla de noua dispozitie si isi convinge sotul(Androcles) sa fuga din oras si sa-si abandoneze animalele de care era plina casa. Pe drum cei doi se intalnesc cu un leu, iar in timp ce sotia sa e lesinata Androcles scoate ghimpele din laba leului. In timp ce vorbeste cu leul el va fi capturat de soldatii trimisi dupa el, dar sotia sa va reusi sa fuga. Capitanul insarcinat cu pazirea crestinilor pe drumul spre Roma se arata nemultumit de faptul ca soldatii se arata prietenosi cu prizonierii, dar se simte atras de frumoasa Lavinia. In afara de ea si de Androcles(considerat de romani vrajitor), va aparea un al treilea personaj interesant din randul crestinilor- Ferrovius. Chiar daca stie ca martiriul crestinilor in arena va duce la noi convertiri imparatul e decis sa-i omoare pe toti cei adusi, dar neprevazutul isi va juca si el rolul sau.

Director: Chester Erskine
Writer: Chester Erskine, Ken Englund
Starring: Jean Simmons, Victor Mature, Alan Young
Genre: Comedy
Release: 9 January 1953
Runtime: 98 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 464x352 / 23 fps / mp3 / 44000Hz / 86 kbps / 700 MB