Extreme Days (2001)After graduation from junior college, four life-long friends--brothers Will and Brian Davidson, Corey Ng, and Matt McKeague--set off on one last road trip adventure before settling down into adulthood. Ever since they were kids, they had shared a love for extreme sports, and so they decide to pack up their "Joyota" and set off on a journey to surf, skate, and snowboard along the West Coast. Not very far into their journey, the travelers happen across a confident damsel in distress, Jessie Jacobs, on whom Brian forms an instant crush. His efforts to make her his next conquest, however, are quickly dismantled as he discovers that she is surprisingly different. The road trip proves to be everything and more than the young adventurers had ever imagined. From the mountains of Mammoth to the streets of San Francisco, Brian, Matt, Corey, Will and Jessie daringly put their will and skill on the line, while ultimately testing their bond of friendship.
Patru prieteni se imbarca intr-o aventura comica plina cu adrenalina aferenta sporturilor extreme... Dupa terminarea liceului, prietenii de o viata Will, Bryan, Matt, si Corey pleaca intr-o calatorie pe care si-o planificasera toate viata, cand bunicul lui Corey moare pe neasteptate. Mergand sa ia mostenirea ramasa lui Corey, cei patru se intalnesc cu frumoasa verisoara a lui Jessie si, impreuna, pornesc intr-o aventura amuzanta, plina de sporturi extreme, ca surfing, skateboarding, motocross sau snowboarding. Un film incitant, cu multe suisuri si coborasuri, plin de actiune, comedie, dar si romantism.Director: Eric Hannah
Writer: Eric Hannah, Craig Detweiler
Starring: Dante Basco, Ryan Browning, A.J. Buckley, Derek Hamilton, Cassidy Rae
Genre: Comedy | Action | Adventure | Romance
Release: 30 September 2001
Runtime: 94 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana
DVD-Rip / XviD / 560x304 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 173 kbps / 700 MB
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RăspundețiȘtergereExtreme Days (2001) is a very nice movie to see.Director: Eric Hannah work very hard to make this film.
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