Your Love Never Fails (2011)
A working mother discovers that some commitments are worth keeping when her husband files for joint custody of their nine year old daughter, and she is forced to put her career on hold for the sake of her broken family. All Laura (Elisa Donovan) wants is a little more time with her daughter Kelsey. But being a single mother in New York City isn't easy, especially when your boss expects you to work around the clock. When Laura receives a letter stating that her husband Dylan (Brad Rowe) is seeking joint custody, she reluctantly returns to Texas to fight back. Once there, however, Laura begins to reconsider the importance of family after reconnecting with her estranged father (Tom Skerritt), and relaying her concerns to kind-hearted local pastor Frank (John Schneider), who offers some sage advice on the important roles that both parents play in raising a child.
Dragostea ta nu dă greş niciodată...sau "Dragostea ta nu va pieri niciodată" este povestea Laurei (Elisa Donovan), o mamă muncitoare care vrea doar să-şi petreacă mai mult timp cu fiica ei Kelsey de 9 ani. Din păcate, şeful ei Paul (Fred Willard) este foarte exigent şi are cu totul alte idei. Când tatăl lui Kelsey, Dylan (Brad Rowe) obţine custodia comună, Laura este obligată să o ia pe Kelsey la Texas, unde se confruntă cu un alt stil de viaţă, cu biserica şi cu tatăl ei (Tom Skerritt) pe care l-a lăsat în urmă. Cu ajutorul pastorului bisericii localel, Frank (John Schneider), Laura şi Dylan vor găsi drumul înapoi la angajamentele lor pe care l-au luat fiecare şi drumul înapoi către Kelsey.
Director: Michael Feifer
Writer: Peter Sullivan, Michael Feifer
Starring: Elisa Donovan, Brad Rowe, Anna Barnholtz, Tom Skerritt
Genre: Comedy | Western | Romance
Release: 5 April 2011
Runtime: 96 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana
DVD-Rip / XviD / 720x400 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 448 kbps / 1.39 GB
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