miercuri, 29 iunie 2011

The Marine (2006)

The Marine (2006)

WWE star John Cena makes his explosive action feature debut as John Triton, an injured U.S. Marine who returns home from duty after violating a commander's order, only to have his wife kidnapped by a ruthless criminal. Robert Patrick co-stars as the villainous Rome -- who is more than willing to kill if it means staying one step ahead of the law -- and Nip/Tuck star Kelly Carlson appears as the endangered object of the vengeful veteran's affections. With nothing left to lose and enough training to take down a small army, the hard-fighting Triton sets out to rescue his wife, and ensure that the psychotic Rome receives a painful taste of Semper Fi justice. Commercial veteran John Bonito takes the rein for his feature directorial debut.
John Triton is a heroic Marine who returns home after being discharged--against his will--from the Iraq War. Stateside, he finds himself back in action, when a group of murderous diamond thieves on the run led by a merciless criminal named Rome has kidnapped his wife and John goes on a chase through the South Carolinian wilderness to retrieve her. With everything on the line, the Marine will stop at nothing to carry out his toughest and most important mission.

John Triton este un soldat din marina americana care, impotriva propriei vointe, este trimis acasa din razboiul din Irak. Acum el are suficient timp sa petreaca alaturi de tanara si frumoasa lui sotie, Kate. Insa planurile ii sunt date peste cap de un criminal fara scrupule, pe nume Rome, care, doar pentru ca ea se nimerise sa fie prezenta cand acesta ucide un politist, o rapeste pe Kate. John va demara propriul razboi in incercarea de a-si salva persoana iubita si de a pune capat atrocitatilor savarsite de Rome.

Director: John Bonito
Writer: Michelle Gallagher, Michelle Gallagher
Starring: John Cena, Kelly Carlson, Robert Patrick
Genre: Action | Drama | Thriller
Release: 13 October 2006
Runtime: 92 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

AVI / DVD-Rip / Xvid / 600x322 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 128 kbps / 700 MB


sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011

Secrets of the Mountain (2010)

Secrets of the Mountain (2010)

Paige Turco is playing the role of a single mother who is striving to reunite with her kids when she visits to her old family cabin. The plot of the movie revolves around a mountain family property. Dana James, thesingle mother , who previously remained disconnected with her children due to some unavoidable circumstances such as due to her job requirements, the marriage of her ex and children’s tight schedule.
Dana starts to feel that all these factors are creating a rift between her and her children and she should fill the emotional gap between them. Luckily, she receives an offer from a purchaser to sell her family mountain property which leads to a weekend tour to the mountain property with an intention of Dana to develop a close link with her kids.
But when they arrive there, they feel that the mountain is not an ordinary property but a jigsaw puzzle. The tricky mountain with all its ancient secrets adds color to the movie especially for the viewers who like adventure. The family goes through many dangerous points and the tour becomes an illusory quest. But the movie tries to leave a message for the viewers that great families never cringe when there have set-backs and rather unite to sort them out. The movie has been launched with an objective to provide healthy family movie to youngsters.

Viaţa în afara oraşului nu este întotdeauna atât de simplă precum pare. Dana S., un avocat de succes, hotărăşte să evadeze câteva zile din viaţa cotidiană alături de familia sa, pentru a vizita casa în care a copilărit şi pe care urma să o vândă pentru o sumă fabuloasă. Lucrurile se complică odată ajunsă la Tesla Falls, unde îl regăşete pe unchiul său, pe care îl ştia decedat de peste 30 de ani. Ba mai mult, această surprinzătoare regăsire va scoate la iveală un secret păstrat cu sfinţenie de către unchiul rătăcitor: muntele care adăpostea proprietatea familiei, ascundea în interiorul lui una dintre cele mai importante aşezări arhiologice din America de Nord. Vor reuşi oare protagoniştii să găsească cheia spre marea descoperire?

Director: Douglas Barr
Writer: Douglas Barr, Dante Amodeo
Starring: Paige Turco, Barry Bostwick, Shawn Christian
Genre: Drama | Family | Mystery | Adventure
Release: 16 April 2010
Runtime: 84 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

AVI / DVD-Rip / Xvid / 624x352 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 128 kbps / 699 MB


joi, 23 iunie 2011

Keeping The Faith (2000)

Keeping The Faith (2000)

Best friends since they were kids, Jake Schram and Brian Kilkenny Finn, are single, successful, handsome, and confident young men living on New York's Upper West Side. When Anna Reilly, once their childhood friend and now grown into a beautiful corporate executive, returns to the city, she reenters Jake's and Brian's lives and hearts with a vengeance. Sparks fly and unusual complicated love triangle is created because Brian happens to be a Roman Catholic priest and Jake is a rabbi.

Doi prieteni foarte buni, Brian si Jake, se indragostesc de aceeasi fata, Anna, prietena buna a lor din copilarie. Totusi nici unul dintre ei nu-si poate concretiza dorinta, preotul pentru ca a facut legamant pentru celibat, iar rabinul pentru ca nu se poate casatori cu ea din cauza ca Anna nu este evreica. Buni prieteni înca din copilarie, Jake Schram (BEN STILLER) si Brian Kilkenny Finn (EDWARD NORTON) sunt doi burlaci tineri, aratosi, încrezatori si plini de succes, care locuiesc în zona aristocratica a West Side din New York. Când Anna Reilly (JENNA ELFMAN), prietena lor din adolescenta, acum o frumoasa si prospera femeie de afaceri, se reîntoarce în oras, ea reintra navalnic în vietile si inimile lui Jake si Brian. Dragoste cu nabadai, într-un neobisnuit si complicat triunghi sentimental: un preot romano-catolic, Brian, si un rabin, Jake, iubesc amândoi aceeasi femeie.

Director: Edward Norton
Writer: Stuart Blumberg
Starring: Ben Stiller, Edward Norton, Jenna Elfman
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Romance
Release: 14 April 2000
Runtime: 121 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

AVI / DVD-Rip / Xvid / 640x352 / 23 fps / mp3 / 44000Hz / 99 kbps / 699 MB


marți, 21 iunie 2011

Johnny (2010)

Johnny (2010)

Everyone has a special mission.
When Dr. Drew Carter (Mel Fair) tragically lost his ten-year old son in a car accident while his wife was driving, he didn't expect to lose his whole family as well. Since the accident, his wife, Julia (Musetta Vander), has become emotionally absent from Drew and their daughter, Kayla (Aubyn Cole).
When Dr. Miller (Lee Majors) refers Johnny (Jerry Phillips), a foster child with leukemia, to Drew, the wheels start to turn and Drew sees a chance to heal his family. Because Julia remains in a perpetual guilt-ridden state of grief, she is opposed to the idea of adopting this terminally ill boy.
With Kayla feeling increasingly more rejected by her own mother and Drew growing more distant from his wife, he decides to take matters into his own hands and adopts Johnny for better or for worse. Johnny doesn't know what he is in for, but is convinced he is here for a special mission; a mission that is revealed when he enters Dr. Carter's world

Când Dr. Drew Carter (Mel Fair) şi-a pierdut fiul de zece ani într-un tragic accident de maşină în timp ce soţia sa era la volan, nu se aştepta să-şi piardă întreaga sa familie dintr-o dată. De la accident, soţia sa, Julia (Musetta Vander), a devenit absentă din punct de vedere emoţional faţă de el şi fiica lor, Kayla (Aubyn Cole). Când Dr. Miller (Lee Majors) îi repartizează spre îngrijire pe Johnny (Jerry Phillips), un copil cu leucemie, situaţia începe să se întoarcă şi Drew vede o şansă de vindecare a familiei sale. Deoarece Julia rămâne într-o durere continuă din cauza vinovăţiei, se opune ideii de adoptare a acestui băiat bolnav. Cu Kayla respinsă din ce în ce mai mult de mama ei şi Drew tot mai îndepărtat de soţia sa, decide să ia problema în propriile mâini şi îl adoptă pe Johnny indiferent ce s-ar întâmpla. Johnny nu ştie ce se întâmplă, dar este convins că este aici pentru o misiune specială, o misiune care se revelează tot mai mult atunci când intră în lumea Dr. Carter.

Director: D. David Morin
Writer: D. David Morin, David Michael Anthony
Starring: Mel Fair, Jerry Phillips, Lee Majors
Genre: Drama | Family
Release: 2010
Runtime: 82 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

MKV / DVD-Rip / mpeg4 / 720x400 / 23 fps / AC3 / 45000Hz / 448 kbps / 1.4 GB


duminică, 19 iunie 2011

Ice Castles (1978)

Ice Castles (1978)

Alexis "Lexie" Winston (Lynn-Holly Johnson) is a young girl from a small town who dreams of becoming a champion figure skater. Her high-school sweetheart, Nick (Robby Benson), dreams of being a hockey player.
Coached by a family friend & former skater, Lexie enters a regional championship despite her father's protests. There, she is discovered by an elite coach (Jennifer Warren) who sees her potential despite a lack of training and qualifications at an advanced age for figure skaters. Despite initial protests from her father (Tom Skerritt) Lexie moves from her home in Waverly, Iowa to train at the legendary Broadmoor World Arena in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She is not well received by the other girls because of the attention lavished on her natural talent, but she proves herself and qualifies for the next level. Lexie's life is drastically changed; she becomes a star, alienates her high school sweetheart and begins dating an older man.
Feeling uncomfortable at a party, Lexie leaves and goes to the rink nearby to skate in her dress clothes. In plain view of party goers & coach, she jumps and as she lands, trips on a set of tables & chairs on the edge of the ice, causing her to fall and hit her head. This accident causes a blood clot in her brain, costing her her eyesight. The doctor is uncertain if her injury is permanent. In the midst of feeling sorry for herself, she and Nick rediscover their love for each other. With help from Nick, her father Marcus and original coach Beulah, Lexie begins to realize that she can still fulfill her dreams with Nick's reverse psychology & tough love, learns how to skate blind and competes once again, skating a flawless program that merits an enthusiastic standing ovation from the crowd.

Alexis "Lexie" Winston, este o tanara de 16 ani cu un talent nativ pentru patinaj, care traieste in Iowa cu tatal sau. Se antreneaza cu Beluha, o fosta stea a patinajului , acum proprietara unui patinoar si a unei sali de bowling, incurajata de tatal si prietenul ei, Nick. Beluah stie ca fata nu va ajunge la potentialul maxim in patinaj decat daca un antrenor adevarat nu o va lua in pregatire. Asa ca atunci cand renumita antrenoare Deborah Mackland ofera sansa vietii pentru Lexie, aceasta lasa viata din oraselul ei natal si incepe aventura pentru a deveni campioana. Pana cand sufera un accident in urma caruia isi pierde vederea si toate visele ei se naruie. Intoarsa acasa, Lexie e cu greu readusa pe linia de plutire si mai apoi pe gheata de tatal sau , antrenoarea sa de la inceput si de Nick. Ei o ajuta sa-si invinga handicapul si sa-si implineasca visul de a fi campioana.

Director: Donald Wrye
Writer: Donald Wrye, Gary L. Baim
Starring: Lynn-Holly Johnson, Robby Benson, Colleen Dewhurst, Tom Skerritt
Genre: Drama | Romance | Sport
Release: 31 December 1978
Runtime: 110 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 512x272 / 29 fps / mp3 / 44000Hz / 96 kbps / 695 MB


vineri, 17 iunie 2011

Change Of Plans (2011)

Change Of Plans (2011)

Sally and Jason Danville's life are turned upside down when a tragic accident suddenly names them the caretakers of four young children.
Change of Plans tells the story of a dynamic young couple who have a life-changing experience. Jason is a jet pilot and engineer and his wife, Sally, is an aspiring singer/musician on the verge of huge musical career. They have an action-packed life, symbolized in the credits by hot cars, an in-house recording studio, scuba gear, and vacation plans in progress. Just as the happy couple are about to get away from it all, they get a phone call with life-changing news: an old friend has died in a car crash leaving four kids behind with nowhere to go. The couple then makes a quick decision to cancel their vacation plans to take the kids in, until a suitable foster family can be found.

Sally si Jason formeaza un cuplu atipic pentru zilele noastre, deoarece relatia lor se bazeaza pe sinceritate, iubire, respect. Jason este fost pilot in armata, actualemente inginer aerospatial, iar Sally este o cantareata promitatoare, in cautarea marelui turneu. In momentul cand cei doi se pregateau sa plece intr-o binemeritata vacanta, in Tahiti, suna telefonul iar Sally primeste groaznica veste: cea mai buna prietena a ei impreuna cu sotul au murit intr-un accident de avion, cea cu care a inceput sa cante si pe care n-a mai vazut-o de cativa ani buni. Astfel sunt contactati de asistentul social care se ocupa de cazul celor 4 copii, ramasi acum orfani, care sunt lasati in grija lui Sally si a lui Jason, pana ce li se va gasi o noua familie, care tocmai de asta nu aveau timp si nevoie acum, mai ales ca nu stiu cum e sa fii parinte. De aceea pe de o parte copiii trebuie sa se integreze in noul lor camin, iar pe de alta parte cei doi vor invata ca o familie e formata din copii si parinti.

Director: John Kent Harrison
Writer: Karen Hall, John Kent Harrison
Starring: Brooke White, Joe Flanigan, Phylicia Rashad
Genre: Comedy | Drama | Family
Release: 8 January 2011
Runtime: 88 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 640x352 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 164 kbps / 701 MB


luni, 13 iunie 2011

Between The Walls (2006)

Between The Walls (2006)

When Peter (Patrick Midgley) learns that his childhood home is being repossessed, he has only five days to remove a lifetime of memories. Behind a locked door he discovers that his dad recorded everything that was said in the house. Confronted by this shocking family secret, Peter must face memories of a distant father, a lost faith, and a startling betrayal. The film also stars singer/songwriter Dorothy Savage.
“Between the Walls is a powerful drama full of suspense, conviction, and redemption that is sure to be enjoyed by the whole family” (Dove Foundation).

Peter King descoperă că tatăl său a avut înregistrat tot ce s-a întâmplat în casa copilăriei sale. Este ca si cum Pete si familia sa curătă casa înainte de recuperare. Având doar cinci zile rămase, el trebuie să se împace cu un trecut care l-a retinut întotdeauna de la viitorul său si de la Dumnezeu, pe care a învătat să-L dispretuiască în copilărie.

Director: Chris Staron
Writer: Chris Staron
Starring: Patrick Midgley, Eli Jared, Dorothy Savage
Genre: Drama
Release: 15 December 2006
Runtime: 73 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 640x352 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 168 kbps / 700 MB


marți, 7 iunie 2011

12 Rounds (2009)

12 Rounds (2009)

When New Orleans Police Detective Danny Fisher stops a brilliant thief, Miles, from getting away with a multi-million-dollar heist, the thief's girlfriend is accidentally killed. After escaping from prison, the criminal mastermind enacts his revenge, taunting Danny with a series of near-impossible puzzles and tasks... 12 rounds... that Danny must somehow complete to save the life of his fiancee.

Atunci cand detectivul de politie Danny Fisher din New Orleans reuseste sa impiedice un hot genial pe nume Miles Jackson sa dispara cu o prada de multe milioane de dolari, iubita infractorului Erica Kessen este ucisa in mod accidental in confruntare. Evadand din inchisoare dupa un singur an de detentie, Miles Jackson incepe sa isi puna in aplicare planurile diabolice de razbunare impotriva politistului care l-a capturat si care a jucat un rol important in moartea Ericai, chinuindu-l pe Danny cu o serie de sarcini, enigme si puzzle-luri aproape imposibil de solutionat, intr-o infruntare a inteligentelor care ar trebui sa se desfasoare pe parcursul a 12 runde. Detectivul de politie isi da seama ca trebuie sa gaseasca rezolvarea misterelor si sa evite capcanele pe care i le intinde adversarul sau daca vrea sa o salveze pe Molly Porter, logodnica lui pe care o iubeste ca pe ochii din cap si pe care Miles Jackson a rapit-o.

Director: Renny Harlin
Writer: Daniel Kunka
Starring: John Cena, Ashley Scott, Aidan Gillen
Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller
Release: 19 March 2009
Runtime: 110 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 608x256 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 128 kbps / 801 MB


duminică, 5 iunie 2011

That's What I Am (2011)

That's What I Am (2011)

A coming-of-age story that follows 12-year-old Andy Nichol (Chase Ellison), a bright student who, like most kids his age, will do anything to avoid conflict for fear of suffering overwhelming ridicule and punishment from his junior high school peers. Everyone's favorite teacher, Mr. Simon (Ed Harris), pairs Andy with the school's biggest outcast and social pariah, Stanley, aka "Big G" (Alexander Walters) on a critical term project. Sporting thick orange hair, a head too big for his body and ears too big for his head, "Big G" has been the object of ridicule since grade school. Before long, Andy will learn that there was truly a method behind Mr. Simon's madness as to why he teamed these two up. As the story unfolds, Mr. Simon finds himself the target of a malicious rumor after Principal Kelner (Amy Madigan) suspends a school bully for brutally beating up a female classmate who he thinks has "cooties." When Andy watches "Big G" fearlessly confront the school bully...

"That's What I Am" s-a numit initial "Big Red", iar in acest film Randy Orton are un rol secundar. Andy Nichol este un elev stralucit care ar face orice pentru a evita un conflict cu derbedeii de la scoala. In anul 1965, intr-o localitate din California, Mr. Simon, un profesor dedicat de limba si literatura engleza pe care toti elevii il indragesc, il obliga pe Andy Nichol sa faca echipa pentru un proiect scolar de final de trimestru cu Stanley Miner, un inadaptat social poreclit de catre colegi “Big G”, care are par aramiu, urechi clapauge si un cap disproportionat de mare in raport cu trupul. Desi Andy se teme initial ca va deveni tinta malitiozitatii colegilor din cauza colaborarii cu Stanley, isi schimba atitudinea atunci cand il vede pe “Big G” confruntandu-se cu indrazneala cu batausul Carl Freel, care a fost suspendat temporar de catre directoarea Kelner pentru ca a lovit o fata din aceeasi clasa. Furios din pricina suspendarii, Carl se razbuna pe domnul Simon raspandind zvonul ca acesta ar fi homosexual si periclitandu-i astfel cariera intrucat parintii scandalizati ii cer directoarei sa il excluda pe profesor din invatamant. Ofensiva parintilor impotriva domnului Simon este condusa de Ed Freel, tatal lui Carl, iar decizia directoarei este complicata de faptul ca profesorul refuza sa se apare, considerand ca harul predarii nu are nicio legatura cu orientarea sexuala a unei persoane.

Director: Michael Pavone
Writer: Michael Pavone
Starring: Ed Harris, Chase Ellison, Molly Parker, Randy Orton (WWE Wrestler)
Genre: Comedy
Release: April 2011
Runtime: 102 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 624x352 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 128 kbps / 699 MB


vineri, 3 iunie 2011

Bobby Jones Stroke Of Genius (2004)

Bobby Jones Stroke Of Genius (2004)

Robert Tyre Jones, Jr., aka "Bobby Jones" rises from complete obscurity to become a golfing legend. Jones overcomes his own fierce temper, intense passion, and perfectionist tendencies to master the game and win the Grand Slam, the U.S., British, and Amateur Opens in golf, a feat unequaled even today. But it is Jones's style, personality, and character that separate him from the other professionals in his field. When Jones realizes that his unparalleled success may be destroying those he loves he's presented with an astounding proposition, one that shocks the world.

Abilitatea sa l-a facut celebru, dar ceea ce l-a transformat in legenda a fost pasiunea sa! "Bobby Jones" (Caviezel) se ridica dintr-o obscuritate completa pentru a deveni o legenda a golfului. Jones isi invinge propriul sau temperament instabil, pasiunea sa intensa, si tendintele perfectioniste , totul pentru a-si imbunatatii jocul si a castiga Grand Slam-ul, U.S., British, si Amateur Open in golf, o realizare ce nu a fost egalata nici pana in ziua de azi. Dar ce-l separa pe Jones de restul concurentilor este stilul, personalitatea si caracterul sau. Cand Jones afla ca succesul sau nemaintalnit ii poate distruge pe cei apropiati de inima sa ii este oferita o propunere uimitoare, una ce va soca lumea.

Director: Rowdy Herrington
Writer: Rowdy Herrington, Kim Dawson
Starring: James Caviezel, Claire Forlani, Jeremy Northam, Bubba Lewis
Genre: Biography | Drama | Romance | Sport
Release: 30 April 2004
Runtime: 129 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 592x240 / 30 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 128 kbps / 1.03 GB


miercuri, 1 iunie 2011

Heart of a Soul Surfer (2007)

Heart of a Soul Surfer (2007)

Heart of a Soul Surfer offers a personal perspective into the true story and life of Bethany Hamilton, a promising young surfer who discovers her purpose in life as she overcomes the loss of her arm to a 14-ft tiger shark off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii on October 31, 2003. The attack didn't cause this determined Soul Surfer to give up. Instead, it compelled her to discover her purpose in life as she overcame the loss of her arm and got back on the board just three weeks later. Heart of a Soul Surfer digs deep into the heart of Bethany's abiding faith in God, and tackles difficult questions such as 'Why does God allow bad things to happen in our lives?' It features exclusive surf & family footage of Bethany before & after the attack, including Bethany's first attempts at surfing with one arm, as well as her winning the 2005 NSSA National Surfing Championship just 19 months later. Bethany's story has been told by many different people around the world, but this is the first time she and her family have been able to share it from their heart and perspective. This is a powerful, true story that you won't want to miss!

Heart of a Soul Surfer este o dramă biografică despre Bethany Hamilton, o sportivă care a făcut carieră în lumea surfing-ului deşi şi-a pierdut o mâna pe când avea doar 13 ani. Bethany Hamilton, o fată de 13 ani care a supravieţuit după ce a fost atacată de un rechin şi care consideră asta fiind o binecuvântare de la Dumnezeu. Cum se poate aşa ceva? Vizionând filmul vei afla.

Director: Becky Baumgartner
Starring: Bethany Hamilton, Ben Aipa, Alana Blanchard, Byron Blanchard
Genre: Drama | Biography
Release: 2007
Runtime: 98 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

DVD-Rip / XviD / 448x256 / 29 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 108 kbps / 698 MB
