Cosmic Conflict - The Origin of Evil (2009)This powerful and engaging documentary focuses on the great controversy that began when Lucifer rebelled in heaven. It traces the transformation of a perfect angel into Satan, the creation of a beautiful new world, and the fall of man in Eden. Most important, it clearly explains how evil invaded a world made by a loving God, who wanted nothing more than peace and happiness for all His creation.
Acest film prezinta o calatorie spectaculoasa in trecut, unde urmareste transformarea unui inger perfect in Satana si modul in care a condus o revolta impotriva lui Dumnezeu. Iata, ispita si caderea în Eden au descoperit planul uimitor a lui Dumnezeu pentru restaurarea oamenilor in paradis! Acest film se bazazeaza pe Biblie pentru a intelege cele mai profunde mistere ale vietii. Conflictul Cosmic afecteaza viata de pe pamant - inclusiv a ta!Runtime: 45 min
Audio: English
Subtitles: ROMANA -->
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