Joseph: King of Dreams (2000)
As the millennium turns, the crazed trend to produce direct-to-video sequels swells. Very few of these sequels are inspired, although most do not harm their origins. One might understandably pick up something labeled "from the makers of The Prince of Egypt with trepidation. Happily, the makers leave Moses alone and tell the tale of another Bible star, Joseph, known for his coat of many colors and a fantastic destiny. Joseph (voiced by Ben Affleck), his father's favorite son, is sold into slavery by his jealous half-brothers. After years of struggle, Joseph rises to be the Pharaoh's trusted adviser when his gift for interpreting dreams pays dividends. The 78-minute feature is rich in color and features several strong songs ("Better Than I" is the standout) written by newcomer John Bucchino. The film's religious elements are secondary, yet its heart is in the right spot--a most agreeable stance for a wider audience. Prince was designed as an "event" movie and suffered in the hype and marketing. With lower aims, Joseph is a more satisfying film and even invites the unexpected: we're ready for the next "sequel."
Iosif, regele viselor este inspirat de povestea biblica a copilului cu darul de a prevesti viitorul si pe care fratii lui, din gelozie, il vand unui negustor de sclavi. Iosif ajunge in Egipt ca sclav in casa lui Putifar care se ataseaza de el, dar sotia acestuia gaseste un motiv sa il arunce in temnita. Acolo isi capata faima de talcuitor de vise. In cele din urma este chemat la Faraon pentru a-i talmaci un vis. Drept rasplata, pentru ca talmacirea lui salveaza tara de la foamete, Faraonul il face mare dregator. Ajuns la 30 de ani, puternic si fericit, Iosif are ocazia sa isi revada fratii. Cu puterea pe care o are i-ar fi usor sa ii striveasca, dar in loc de razbunare, Iosif face gestul omului atins intr-adevar de har: le acorda iertarea si sansa de a incepe o viata noua si prospera alaturi de el.
*Director: Rob LaDuca, Robert C. Ramirez
*Starring: Ben Affleck, Mark Hamill, Steven Weber, Jodi Benson
*Genre: Animation / Drama
*Release Date: 27 October 2000
*Lenght: 75 minute
*Language: English
*Subtitle: Romana
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