Letters to God [2010]
"Hope is contagious..."
Tyler Doherty is an extraordinary eight-year-old boy. Surrounded by a loving family and community, and armed with the courage of his faith, he faces his daily battle against cancer with bravery and grace. To Tyler, God is a friend, a teacher and the ultimate pen pal - Tyler's prayers take the form of letters, which he composes and mails on a daily basis. The letters find their way into the hands of Brady McDaniels, a beleaguered postman standing at a crossroads in his life. At first, he is confused and conflicted over what to do with the letters. Over time he begins to form a friendship with the Doherty family - getting to know not just Tyler but his tough, tender yet overwhelmed mom, stalwart grandmother and teen brother Ben - who are each trying to stand strong against the doubts that come with the chaotic turn their lives have taken. Moved by Tyler's courage, Brady realizes what he must do with the letters, a surprise decision that will transform his heart and uplift his newfound friends and community - in an exhilarating act of testament to the contagious effect of one boy's unwavering faith against the odds.
Inspirat din fapte reale,Letters To God(Scrisori catre Dumnezeu) prezinta povestea unui baiatel care lupta impotriva cancerului, rugaciunile transformandu-se in scrisori catre Dumnezeu in care Il roaga sa aduca sanatate si iubire in mica comunitate in care locuieste. Pentru el, Dumnezeu este un profesor si un prieten care il ajuta sa treaca peste aceasta boala crunta. Postasul din cartier, care traieste o viata tulbure, gaseste in continutul scrisorilor baiatului calea de a rezolva problemele si de al aduce inapoi pe fiul lui, pierzandu-l din cauza dependentei de alcool. Filmul Letters for God este un film despre efectul pe care il aduce Un baietel in familie, intre prietenii lui si in mica comunitate in care traieste.
Directors: David Nixon, Patrick Doughtie
Writers: Patrick Doughtie, Art D'Alessandro, Sandra Thrift
Starring: Tanner Maguire, Robyn Lively, Jeffrey Johnson,
Genres: Drama | Family
Release Date: April 9th, 2010
Runtime: 114 min
Subtitle: Romana
DVD-Rip / XviD / 512x384 / 23.9 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 128 kbps / 1.06 GB
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