Where The Red Fern Grows (2003)Based on the 1961 children's novel by Wilson Rawls, Where the Red Fern Grows is a family-oriented drama four years in the making. This project is co-directed by Lyman Dayton, who also adapted the screenplay and produced the 1974 filmed version. The story involves 12-year-old Billy Coleman (Joseph Ashton), who lives in the Ozark mountains with his mother, Jenny (Renee Faia), and father, Will (Dave Matthews of the Dave Matthews Band). Billy's grandfather (Dabney Coleman) encourages him to save money to buy a hunting dog. For two years, Billy does odd jobs in order to save the money. When he finally gets enough, he buys two puppies and names them Old Dan and Little Ann. Billy eventually trains them to become hunting dogs and enters the Fall Hunting Competition. Also starring Kris Kristofferson and Ned Beatty. Even though principal photography started in 1999, Where the Red Fern Grows didn't premiere until the 2003 Tribeca Film Festival due to numerous production difficulties and law suits.
Bazata pe nuvela pentru copii cu acelasi nume, scrisa in 1961 de Wilson Rawls, "Where The Red Fern Grows" (Prietenii copilăriei mele) este o poveste emotionanta a unui baiat care locuia cu parintii si surorile la o ferma si care-si doreste din rasputeri sa aiba 2 caini de vanatoare.Face diverse munci pana reuseste sa starnga banii necesari si-si cumpara 2 catelusi din oras ,drumul de 20 km. facandu-l pe jos.Isi antreneaza zilnic cateii si se inscrie cu ei la vanatoarea anuala de ratoni unde castiga concursul iar banii ii da mamei sale care dorea sa cumpere casa unchiului la oras pentru un viitor mai bun al copiilor ei.Cautand ratoni,ei sunt amenintati de o puma care il si omoara pe Dan care a incercat sa lupte cu salbaticiunea dupa care catelusa nu a mai dorit sa se hraneasca si a sfarsit culcata pe mormantul catelului.(http://www.christianmovies.eu/)
Director: Lyman Dayton, Sam Pillsbury
Writer: Wilson Rawls, Douglas C. Stewart
Starring: Joseph Ashton, Dave Matthews, Renee Faia, Kris Kristofferson
Genre: Drama
Release: May 3, 2003
Runtime: 86 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana
AVI / DVD-Rip / Xvid / 624x336 / 23 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 114 kbps / 699 MB
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