The Witness (2001)In The Witness, for Barrabas, his journey to faith starts with his doubts about Jesus Christ's divinity. Having been spared from death, he arrogantly attends the crucifixion of the man who took his place. His secure unbelief is shattered as he tries to prove to himself that Jesus Christ was a man like any other, and he finally comes to faith in Him. A powerful, animated production, this short film confirms that those who seek, often find more then they were searching for.
Pentru Baraba, calatoria spre credinta incepe cu intrebarea: "A fost Isus cu adevarat fiul lui Dumnezeu?" Necredinta lui sigura este zdruncinata in momentul in care incearca sa dovedeasca faptul ca Isus a fost un inselator. In cautarea lui dupa raspunsuri, descopera o multime de martori ai vietii, lucrarii si puterii Domnului Isus, ale caror marturii sunt de netagaduit. Finalul acestei calatorii este unul neasteptat si Baraba descopera credinta adevarata. Un desen animat deosebit, care va confirma inca odata, ca cei ce cauta gasesc mai mult decat simple raspunsuri: ei descopera adevarul.(
Director: Angela Ward-Costello
Writer: Angela Ward-Costello
Starring: Jim Williams, Michael Hunter, Guy Weston, Jay Lockamy
Genre: Animation
Release: 2001
Runtime: 46 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana
AVI / DVD-Rip / Xvid / 720x544 / 25 fps / mp3 / 48000Hz / 116 kbps / 700 MB
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