vineri, 30 aprilie 2010

Viorel Ban - Agatat de cruce

Viorel Ban - Agatat de cruce

Artist...............: Viorel Ban
Album................: Agatat de cruce
Genre................: Vocal Romaneasca
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: FhG
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: CBR 192, (avg. bitrate: 192kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:03:28) Viorel Ban - Agatat de Cruce
2. (00:03:31) Viorel Ban - Asa cum sunt
3. (00:02:35) Viorel Ban - Ce fericire
4. (00:03:35) Viorel Ban - De sus din slava senina
5. (00:04:29) Viorel Ban - Doamne te rog
6. (00:03:42) Viorel Ban - Doar o coliba
7. (00:02:09) Viorel Ban - In chipul mamei
8. (00:05:23) Viorel Ban - Lumina cea de aur
9. (00:03:09) Viorel Ban - Obosit sin frant
10. (00:03:46) Viorel Ban - Spre tara stelelor
11. (00:03:02) Viorel Ban - Vin la Domnul

Playing Time.........: 00:38:51
Total Size...........: 53,39 MB

joi, 29 aprilie 2010

Violeta - Doamne fa-ma tare

Violeta vol.1 - D-ne fa-ma tare

Artist...............: Violeta vol.1
Album................: D-ne fa-ma tare
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2002
Codec................: FhG
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: CBR 256, (avg. bitrate: 256kbps)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:04:05) Violeta vol.1 - 01 Isus Mantuitorul!
2. (00:04:56) Violeta vol.1 - 02 D-ne fa-ma tare!
3. (00:03:03) Violeta vol.1 - 03 Or si cat as cauta!
4. (00:03:37) Violeta vol.1 - 04 Te zbati intruna!
5. (00:02:25) Violeta vol.1 - 05 Sunt mantuit!
6. (00:05:02) Violeta vol.1 - 06 Indurare Tie!
7. (00:04:45) Violeta vol.1 - 07 Blandule pastor!
8. (00:04:48) Violeta vol.1 - 08 In viata ta!
9. (00:03:35) Violeta vol.1 - 09 Sa ne rugam!
10. (00:02:57) Violeta vol.1 - 10 O lume de necaz!
11. (00:03:57) Violeta vol.1 - 11 De ce!
12. (00:02:44) Violeta vol.1 - 12 Credinta e cheia!

Playing Time.........: 00:45:54
Total Size...........: 84,16 MB

miercuri, 28 aprilie 2010

Virginia - Eram copil

Virginia - Eram copil

Artist...............: VIRGINIA
Album................: ERAM COPIL
Genre................: Christian
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: LAME 3.95
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Standard, (avg. bitrate: 185kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:04:16) VIRGINIA - ERAM COPIL
3. (00:04:10) VIRGINIA - CALVAR
4. (00:04:26) VIRGINIA - DOMNUL MEU
5. (00:05:57) VIRGINIA - VIATA TA
6. (00:05:21) VIRGINIA - VEI FI
7. (00:06:32) VIRGINIA - CUNUNA
8. (00:03:23) VIRGINIA - RUSA
9. (00:07:05) VIRGINIA - RUSA
10. (00:04:12) VIRGINIA - RUSA

Playing Time.........: 00:51:25
Total Size...........: 68,20 MB

marți, 27 aprilie 2010

The Messengers - Dumnezeu e steagul meu

The Messengers - Dumnezeu e steagul meu

Artist...............: The Messengers
Album................: Dumnezeu e steagul meu
Genre................: Christian Pop
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: Xing
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: CBR 128, (avg. bitrate: 128kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:07:09) The Messengers - Cine mi-a adus lumina
2. (00:04:50) The Messengers - Din Tine am venit iubire
3. (00:04:53) The Messengers - Dumnezeu e Steagul meu
4. (00:04:02) The Messengers - Faca-mi-se totdeauna
5. (00:04:10) The Messengers - In glastra inimii
6. (00:04:31) The Messengers - In umblarea mea
7. (00:04:19) The Messengers - Isus izvor de mangaiere
8. (00:06:11) The Messengers - Isuse dintre toti Te-aleg
9. (00:07:13) The Messengers - Sa nu pot Doamne sa ma las
10. (00:04:44) The Messengers - Turma mica,nu te teme

Playing Time.........: 00:52:01
Total Size...........: 47,71 MB

luni, 26 aprilie 2010

The Messengers - Romania

The Messengers - Romania

Artist...............: The Messengers
Album................: Romania
Genre................: Christian Pop
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: FhG
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Very Poor, (avg. bitrate: 122kbps)


1. (00:03:18) The Messengers - Ai plecat
2. (00:02:57) The Messengers - Amen
3. (00:03:47) The Messengers - Cel mai mare
4. (00:03:33) The Messengers - Lauda-l mereu
5. (00:03:05) The Messengers - O ce har nespus
6. (00:04:13) The Messengers - Romania
7. (00:03:11) The Messengers - Stii tu cine
8. (00:02:30) The Messengers - Tata te iubim
9. (00:03:41) The Messengers - There's a calm
10. (00:03:13) The Messengers - Vine Isus
11. (00:03:41) The Messengers - Voia Ta

Playing Time.........: 00:37:07
Total Size...........: 32,33 MB

duminică, 25 aprilie 2010

The Messengers - Usa harului

The Messengers - Usa harului

Artist...............: The Messengers
Album................: Usa harului
Genre................: Christian Pop
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: Xing
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: CBR 192, (avg. bitrate: 192kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:05:00) The Messengers - Bogatia cerului
2. (00:04:04) The Messengers - Calea, Adevarul, Viata
3. (00:04:29) The Messengers - Credincios e Isus
4. (00:05:38) The Messengers - Destinul tau
5. (00:05:18) The Messengers - Evanghelia
6. (00:04:34) The Messengers - Genunchii imi aplec
7. (00:05:15) The Messengers - Iubire, iertare
8. (00:03:47) The Messengers - Povara zilei
9. (00:05:06) The Messengers - Se-aude-un vuiet
10. (00:06:32) The Messengers - Te voi urma
11. (00:05:12) The Messengers - Usa harului

Playing Time.........: 00:54:55
Total Size...........: 75,50 MB

sâmbătă, 24 aprilie 2010

The Greatest Adventure - Stories from the Bible: Noah's Ark (1986)

The Greatest Adventure - Stories from the Bible: Noah's Ark (1986)

Violence and corruption fill the earth, and God is angry. To punish this wickedness God vows to flood the world. Only one man and his family will be spared because they alone honor God's laws. That man is Noah. God commands Noah to build an ark and fill it with two of every kind of animal on the planet. As they go about constructing this massive boat, Noah and his sons must also put up with scorn and even sabotage from their sinful neighbors. But Noah and his family persevere, working day and night on their assignment from God. Noah's faith is vindicated when the heavens let forth with a torrent of rain that lasts for forty days. But God's test of Noah's courage and commitment is just beginning.

Violenta si coruptia cuprind Pamantul. Pentru a-i pedepsi pe pacatosi, Dumnezeu trimite un potop menit sa ii curete de pe fata Pamantului. Doar Noe si familia sa vor fi crutati pentru ca ei sunt singurii ce onoreaza legile lui Dumnezeu. Acesta ii spune sa construiasca o arca pe care sa o populezee cu cate o pereche din fiecare animal. Odata constructia inceputa, Noe si fiii sai persevereaza in ciuda urzelilor si sabotajelor venite din partea vecinilor lor pacatosi. Credinta lui Noe este justificata atunci cand din ceruri se dezlantuie o ploaie torentiala ce va tine 40 de zile. Dar testul lui Dumnezeu pentru curajul si hotararea lui Noe de-abia a inceput.

Writer: Harvey Bullock
Release Date: 1986 (USA)
Genre: Animation | Short | Family
Runtime: 26 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Subtitles: Romanian

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vineri, 23 aprilie 2010

Decean - Locul Sfant

Decean - Locul Sfant

Artist...............: Decean
Album................: Locul Sfant
Genre................: Worship
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2007
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: FhG
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:04:41) Decean - Adonai
2. (00:05:33) Decean - Da, eu cred
3. (00:05:32) Decean - Doamne daca vrei
4. (00:04:41) Decean - Domnul este aici
5. (00:04:31) Decean - Glorie
6. (00:04:27) Decean - Hallelujah
7. (00:04:05) Decean - Isus, Calea mea
8. (00:03:54) Decean - Locul Sfant
9. (00:04:51) Decean - Maini curate
10. (00:03:50) Decean - Psalmul 139
11. (00:03:44) Decean - Revarsa acum
12. (00:04:18) Decean - Visul meu

Playing Time.........: 00:54:06
Total Size...........: 123,81 MB

joi, 22 aprilie 2010

Decean - Drumul meu

Decean - Drumul meu

Artist...............: Decean
Album................: Decean 2 praise
Genre................: Christian
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2005
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: Blade
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: CBR 128, (avg. bitrate: 128kbps)
Channels.............: Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:04:17) Decean - Aceasta e (o ungere noua)
2. (00:04:19) Decean - Cat te iubsesc de mult
3. (00:05:29) Decean - Doamne esti Bun
4. (00:04:17) Decean - Domn al vesniciei
5. (00:04:47) Decean - Eu te laud
6. (00:01:25) Decean - Interludiu: Drumul meu
7. (00:04:15) Decean - Isus esti prietenul meu
8. (00:09:57) Decean - Isus Tu esti viu (Adonai)
9. (00:05:34) Decean - Lumina lumii
10. (00:05:04) Decean - Mainile ridicam
11. (00:05:13) Decean - Te voi iubi mereu
12. (00:04:42) Decean - Venim. Tie Lauda-Ti cantam

Playing Time.........: 00:59:18
Total Size...........: 54,31 MB

miercuri, 21 aprilie 2010

The Greatest Adventure - Stories from the Bible: The Easter Story [1990]

The Greatest Adventure - Stories from the Bible: The Easter Story [1990]

Part of Hanna & Barbera's Greatest Adventure Stories From the Bible Series
Seen through the eyes of the Apostle Mark, this beautifully animated recreation begins with Jesus' joyful entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. Then follows the drama of Christ's betrayal, arrest and crucifixion - and His triumphant resurrection and ascent into Heaven. Presented in glowing, full-color animation with an all-star voice cast, this vivid production embraces all the wonder and glory of what many have called "the greatest story ever told."

Writer: Harvey Bullock
Release Date: 1986 (USA)
Genre: Animation | Short | Family
Runtime: 30 min
Country: USA
Audio: English
Subtitles: Romanian


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marți, 20 aprilie 2010

Letters to God - You give me hope

Letters to God - You give me hope

This is one of the singles included in “Letters to God”, a Christian themed motion picture about Tyler, a young boy battling cancer.
Tyler’s brother performs a song that honors how Tyler’s bravery through his battle with cancer has inspired him.

Decean - Praise

Decean - Praise

Artist...............: Decean
Album................: Praise
Genre................: Christian
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: Xing
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: CBR 128, (avg. bitrate: 128kbps)


1. (00:01:26) Decean - Ava Tata
2. (00:06:15) Decean - Azi ma inchin
3. (00:04:32) Decean - Cant dragostea Ta
4. (00:04:53) Decean - Cel ce stapanesti
5. (00:04:19) Decean - In inima mea
6. (00:04:03) Decean - Isus numai Tu
7. (00:03:24) Decean - Puterea de care ai nevoie
8. (00:05:18) Decean - Sfant esti Tu Doamne
9. (00:04:42) Decean - Stanca vietii
10. (00:05:24) Decean - Te Iubesc asa de mult

Playing Time.........: 00:44:15
Total Size...........: 40,52 MB

luni, 19 aprilie 2010

Decean - Deschide Cartea

Decean - Deschide Cartea

Artist...............: Decean
Album................: Deschide Cartea
Genre................: Christian
Source...............: CD


1. (00:04:39) Decean - Aproape de tine
2. (00:05:07) Decean - Astazi
3. (00:04:29) Decean - Candela
4. (00:05:06) Decean - Deschide Carte
5. (00:05:31) Decean - Esti tu gata
6. (00:03:46) Decean - O singura Viata
7. (00:03:59) Decean - Priveste-n sus
8. (00:06:56) Decean - Schimbarea
9. (00:05:43) Decean - Vechiul in Nou
10. (00:04:35) Decean - Vino in Lumina

Playing Time.........: 00:49:50
Total Size...........: 51,24 MB

sâmbătă, 17 aprilie 2010

The Greatest Adventure - Stories from the Bible: The Creation ( 1988 )

The Greatest Adventure - Stories from the Bible: The Creation ( 1988 )

From the highly acclaimed Hanna-Barbera animation studios comes the ten-tape children's series Greatest Adventures From the Bible. The episodes are each viewed from the eyes of three young archaeologists from the 20th century -- Derek, Mokey, and Margot. The youngsters are taken back in time to experience Bible stories first-hand. In The Creation, a master storyteller recounts Genesis, the beginning. The story relates the creation of plants, animals, and humans, as well as the disobedience of Adam and Eve and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Through this tale, children learn a lesson in the dangers of disobeying God. The Creation features the voice talent of Stephanie Zimbalist, Marc Singer, and Tim Curry.

Director: Don Lusk
Genre: Animation | Short
Runtime: 30 min
Country: USA
Audio: English
Subtitles: ROMANA

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vineri, 16 aprilie 2010



This story features a newspaper woman who is writing anti-God editorials.
One day a mysterious visitor comes to her office with a message from the Lord.
He tells her that on September 19th at 6:05pm she is going to die.
Is this a hoax? Or the truth?
She has eight days left...and the suspense begins.
This film gives a powerful presentation of the gospel and is very evangelistic!

Subtitrare romana

joi, 15 aprilie 2010

Jesus, Mary and Joey (2006)

Jesus, Mary and Joey (2006)

Love brings a shiftless young man in touch with the Lord, which proves more than a bit confusing to his family in this independent comedy drama. Joey Vitello (Vincent Pagano) is a guy in his mid-twenties who still lives with his extended Italian-American family and his trying to get his life in order. One day, Joey unexpectedly crosses paths with Mary O'Callahan (Marley Shelton), a girl who was one of his classmates in grade school. While Mary was homely as a child, she grew into a beautiful woman, and as Joey gets caught up on what she's been doing, he learns Mary survived a bout with cancer and credits her survival to a miracle from God. As Joey becomes deeply infatuated with Mary, he finds himself embracing her spiritual beliefs, but as he tries to share his enthusiasm with his family, they seem more than a bit suspicious, and in time decide that maybe they should be able to have a miracle of their own.

Director: ames Quattrochi
Writer: Vincent Pagano
Starring: Vincent Pagano, Marley Shelton, Jennifer Esposito
Genre: Comedy | Romance
Runtime: 105 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

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miercuri, 14 aprilie 2010

Decean - Cantec nou

Decean - Cantec nou

Artist...............: Decean
Album................: Cantec nou
Genre................: Christian
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: Xing


1. (00:06:16) Decean - Cand esti trist
2. (00:03:49) Decean - Cantec nou
3. (00:04:29) Decean - Dorinta
4. (00:05:07) Decean - Inaintea Ta
5. (00:05:11) Decean - Numai un pas
6. (00:03:52) Decean - Sa cantam
7. (00:05:12) Decean - Speranta mea
8. (00:03:37) Decean - Sunt bucuros
9. (00:05:44) Decean - Vine Domnul
10. (00:04:06) Decean - Voi lauda pe Domnul

Playing Time.........: 00:47:24
Total Size...........: 50,32 MB

marți, 13 aprilie 2010

In The Beginning - The Bible Stories

In The Beginning - The Bible Stories

La Biblia en anime - En el Principio (Bible Animated - In the Beginning), it is a series of 26 episodes.
Through the Italian National Broadcasting Network, Tezuka Osamu received an ardent request from the Vatican to make the Bible into animated form. This request was probably made to see how the Bible would be depicted by the non-Christian Tezuka Osamu. Tezuka Osamu accepted the request and spent an entire two years to complete a pilot film. It was about the story of Noah`s ark, with the enthusiastic Tezuka Osamu not only writing the scenario but also drawing pictures by himself. During production, however, he unfortunately passed away, so Director Dezaki took over the film and completed it.

Director: Osamu Dezaki
Original Plan: Osamu Tezuka
Aired: Apr 1, 1997 to May 9, 1997

Alternative title:
Der kleine Bibelfuchs (German)
In principio - Storie dalla Bibbia (Italian)
Seisho Monogatari (Japanese)

Running time: 24 minutes per episode
Number of episodes: 26

Audio: Spanish
Subtitles: Romana

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luni, 12 aprilie 2010

Pendragon: Sword of His Father [2oo8]

Pendragon: Sword of His Father [2oo8]

Set in 411 AD, Pendragon tells the story of young Artos who is raised to believe that God has a purpose for each day. When his family killed and he is taken into slavery by the Saxons, Artos questions his God. Advancing through the military ranks, Artos begins to understand that his father's vision was not based on the strength of man, but on the plan of God. Further betrayal by his friends forces Artos to decide between following God's plan unto certain death or abandoning God to save his own life.

Director: Chad Burns
Release Date: November 2008
Genre: Adventure | Fantasy
Cast: Aaron Burns, Marilyn Burns, Nicholas Burns, Erik Dewar, Rebekah Wixom
Company: Burns Family Studios
Runtime: 115 min
Country: USA
Menu: Yes (Edited for Romanian subtitles)
Language: English | German
Subtitles: ROMANA

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duminică, 11 aprilie 2010

Saviour - Printul vietii, Isus

Saviour - Printul vietii, Isus

Artist...............: Saviour
Album................: Printul vietii, Isus
Genre................: Christian
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: FhG
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: CBR 128, (avg. bitrate: 128kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:05:26) Saviour - Domnul e adevar
2. (00:05:35) Saviour - Domnul meu
3. (00:05:02) Saviour - Era-n amurg de seara
4. (00:04:30) Saviour - Iti cantam
5. (00:05:14) Saviour - Nu ma trece cu vederea
6. (00:03:43) Saviour - O,slava,slava Tie
7. (00:04:08) Saviour - Pastorul sufletului meu
8. (00:04:51) Saviour - Printul vieti...ISUS
9. (00:03:08) Saviour - Slava Ti-aducem
10. (00:04:58) Saviour - Te iubim,Te iubim

Playing Time.........: 00:46:34
Total Size...........: 42,71 MB

Sins Of Jezebel (1953)

Sins Of Jezebel (1953)

The wicked princess of Phoenicia, Jezebel hopes to expand her power by marrying Ahab (Eduard Franz), the King of Israel. Jezebel brings destruction upon the Israelites through her many sexual peccadilloes and orgiastic bacchanals. The film's nominal leading man is George Nader, cast as a charioteer who succumbs to Jezebel's wiles. Surprisingly, the film manages to be quite entertaining within its tiny budget. The "redeeming moral value" of Sins of Jezebel is achieved by having the film presented in flashback, during a sermon delivered by pious preacher Elijah (John Hoyt).

Director: Reginald Le Borg
Release Date: 4 September 1953
Genre: Drama, History
Cast: Paulette Goddard, John Hoyt, George Nader, Eduard Franz
Runtime: 74 min
Country: USA

Language: English
Subtitles: ROMANA

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sâmbătă, 10 aprilie 2010

Train Niculai - Plutind spre Tine

Train Niculai - Plutind spre Tine

Artist...............: Train Niculai
Album................: Plutind spre Tine
Genre................: Blues
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: FhG
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: CBR 192, (avg. bitrate: 192kbps)


1. (00:05:16) Train Niculai - Doar Tu Isuse
2. (00:05:24) Train Niculai - Dragoste si pace
3. (00:05:28) Train Niculai - Iarta-ma
4. (00:07:16) Train Niculai - Intoarce-te
5. (00:04:01) Train Niculai - Isus, siguranta mea
6. (00:05:20) Train Niculai - La altar
7. (00:06:08) Train Niculai - Mama mea
8. (00:07:24) Train Niculai - Plutesc spre tarm
9. (00:06:46) Train Niculai - Te-am cautat
10. (00:06:06) Train Niculai - Totul e trecator

Playing Time.........: 00:59:10
Total Size...........: 81,25 MB

vineri, 9 aprilie 2010

The Lost & Found Family (2009)

The Lost & Found Family (2009)

The Lost & Found Family is a touching story of hardship, change, and the faith that God can make things better, no matter how difficult the situation appears in our eyes. Hardship and change can affect anyone—from children in a foster-care environment to well-to-do socialites. Sometimes it's systemic; other times it's instantaneous. Ester Hobbes has led the good life with her loving husband. But when Franklin suffers a fatal heart attack, her life changes dramatically. Franklin's business dealings have left Ester with little beyond the clothes on her back ... and an unknown piece of rental property. Leaving the life she loves in Chicago, she heads to rural Georgia only to discover that the house she owns is the home of Tony and Ramona ... and their five foster children. Barely able to make ends meet and knowing only God can help turn around the lives of their troubled foster children, the last thing Tony and Ramona are looking for is a live-in landlord ... especially when they discover Ester's lawyer has the house for sale. After an extremely rocky start, Ester begins to befriend Crystal, Jasmin, Max, Justin, and Teri, along with their foster parents. But when word comes that the house has been sold to a developer, these fragile alliances are shattered. In dire straits, Ester cries out to God for help. But is there enough time for Ester and her new "family" to save their home? The Lost & Found Family reminds us that God brings out the best in us when we show His compassion to those in desperate need of love.

Director: Barnet Bain
Release Date: 15 September 2009
Genre: Drama
Cast: Ellen Bry, Lucas Till, Jessica Luza, Greg Thompson
Runtime: 91 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Subtitles: ROMANA, English (closed captioned)

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joi, 8 aprilie 2010

Utu Bodea - Zori de zi

Utu Bodea - Zori de zi

Artist...............: Utu Bodea
Album................: Zori de zi
Genre................: Christian
Source...............: CD
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: Xing
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III
Quality..............: Insane, (avg. bitrate: 320kbps)
Channels.............: Joint Stereo / 44100 hz


1. (00:07:23) Utu Bodea - Noianul zilelor sirag
2. (00:03:11) Utu Bodea - Singur eram
3. (00:04:00) Utu Bodea - Cand zorii se-arata
4. (00:05:33) Utu Bodea - Era o zi ...
5. (00:02:52) Utu Bodea - Nu vrei si tu
6. (00:05:17) Utu Bodea - Cand esti aproape
7. (00:05:35) Utu Bodea - Vreau sa cant intotdeauna
8. (00:05:39) Utu Bodea - Dintre miile de soapte
9. (00:06:49) Utu Bodea - Noianul zilelor sirag

Playing Time.........: 00:46:18
Total Size...........: 106,04 MB

The secret garden (1993)

The secret garden (1993)

Young Mary Lennox is orphaned by an earthquake in India and sent to England to live with her uncle in a cold ancestral manor in Yorkshire. Mary briefly meets him, still mourning for the wife who died ten years ago, but she is mostly left on her own. A resourceful and inquisitive girl, she soon makes two exciting discoveries. First she finds an overgrown secret garden, the favourite of her aunt and locked up since her death. Second, that she has a cousin, Colin, a sickly lad who has been told he must remain in bed out of the daylight at all times. Once Mary and another new friend, local lad Dickon, have brought the garden back to life they decide Colin must see it, a decision that will change several lives.

După ce-şi pierde părinţii într-un cutremur de pământ din India, Mary Lennox, rămasă orfană, cu sufletul amar, este trimisă în Anglia, pentru a locui împreună cu unchiul său într-un vechi şi neospitalier castel. Plină de neastâmpăr şi foarte curioasă, Mary face la un moment dat două descoperiri grozave... prima este o grădină lăsată în paragină, unde poţi ajunge doar printr-un loc ascuns, iar cea de-a doua este un tânăr bolnăvicios care este silit să stea departe de lumina zilei, întins în pat, închis în castel şi care se dovedeşte a fi vărul ei, Colin. Mary ajutată de tânărul Dickon încearcă să trezească grădina la viaţă şi ia o decizie care ar putea schimba radical destinul celor din castel... Va reuşi mica magiciană să găsescă drumul către inima noii sale familii?

Director: Agnieszka Holland
Writers: Frances Hodgson Burnett, Caroline Thompson
Starring: Kate Maberly, Heydon Prowse, Andrew Knott
Release Date: 13 August 1993
Runtime: 101 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana

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miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010

Ylena & Ady Coroian - Deschide Ochii

Ylena & Ady Coroian - Deschide Ochii

Artist...............: Ylena & Ady Coroian
Album................: Deschide Ochii
Genre................: pop
Source...............: CD
Year.................: 2007
Ripper...............: EAC (Secure mode) / LAME 3.92 & Asus CD-S520
Codec................: FhG
Version..............: MPEG 1 Layer III


1. (00:03:37) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Am invatat
2. (00:04:57) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Da-mi o pasiune
3. (00:04:24) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Deschide ochii
4. (00:02:27) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Domnul sta
5. (00:05:05) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Fara Tine
6. (00:04:56) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Iubire ,iertare
7. (00:05:12) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Langa Tine vreau
8. (00:03:49) Ylena & Ady Coroian - N-am cunoscut-bun
9. (00:04:20) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Vine Domnul
10. (00:03:02) Ylena & Ady Coroian - Voi slavi

Playing Time.........: 00:41:50
Total Size...........: 21,56 MB

The Easter Story Keepers [1998]

The Easter Story Keepers [1998]

Ben the Baker, along with his wife Helena and their adopted children, must work together to save their Christian friends from Nero and his Roman soldiers. Ben is a Story Keeper: one who is entrusted to share the story of Jesus Christ during this time of heavy persecution.

Ben brutarul, impreuna cu sotia sa Helena si copiii lor adoptivi, trebuie sa munceasca impreuna pentru a-si salva prietenii crestini de Nero si soldatii lui romani. Ben este un Purtator al Povestilor: cel caruia ii este incredintat sa duca mai departe povestea lui Isus Cristos in acest timp de grea persecutie.

Director: Jimmy T. Murakami
Release Date: 28 February 1998
Genre: Animation
Runtime: 70 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Subtitles: ROMANA

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marți, 6 aprilie 2010

Heroes of the Faith - Peter and the Doubt

Heroes of the Faith - Peter and the Doubt

This is the story of Peter, the fisherman, and how he confront with doubt, until Jesus has risen from the death. Very funny and entertaining.
A lesson about how doubt can be overcomed.

Aceasta e povestea lui Petru, pescarul, si despre cum s-a confruntat el cu indoiala, pana la invierea lui Isus dintre morti. Foarte amuzant si distractiv. O lectie despre cum poate fi infranta indoiala.

Runtime: 32 min
Audio: English
Subtitles: ROMANA

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Heroes of the Faith - Peter, The Fisher of Men

Heroes of the Faith - Peter, The Fisher of Men

The Story of Peter "Fisher of Men", after the Pentecost day, who spread the gospel througout the world, in spite of trials and dangers.
A real hero of the faith.

Povestea lui Petru "Pescarul de Oameni", dupa ziua de Rusalii, care a raspandit Evanghelia in toata lumea, in ciuda necazurilor si pericolelor pe care l-a avut de infruntat. Un adevarat erou al credintei.

Runtime: 32 min
Audio: English
Subtitles: ROMANA

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luni, 5 aprilie 2010

Heroes of the Faith - The Story of Jeremiah

Heroes of the Faith - The Story of Jeremiah

To be a true hero you need a lot of faith and trust in the Lord. The series Héroes de la Fe was developed for children to learn the stories of prominent men and women in the Bible.
This video tells the story of a young man who was a prophet under five kings in Jerusalem who denounced the disobedience, idolatry and rebelliousness of his people.

Audio: English
Running time: 30 minutes.

Subtitles: Romanian (inclusa)

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duminică, 4 aprilie 2010

Heroes of the faith - The history of David

Heroes of the faith - The history of David

This is the story of David, the shepherd boy who became the greatest king of Israel. Choosen by God, he defeated the giant Goliath and deliver Israel from filistines.

Runtime: 32 min
Audio: English

Subtitles: ROMANA

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sâmbătă, 3 aprilie 2010

The Torchlighters - The Jim Elliot Story

The Torchlighters - The Jim Elliot Story

Jim Elliot spent his youth preparing to share the Gospel with those who'd never heard it. But nothing could have prepared him for the dangers and challenges he'd face in the jungles of Ecuador. The remote Auca tribe was suspicious and antagonistic toward even the most friendly of gestures from outsiders. Would Jim and his fellow missionaries ever be able to break down the hostile barriers and carry a torch of faith to this savage people determined to attack all outsiders?

Runtime: 32 min
Audio: English
Subtitles: ROMANA

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vineri, 2 aprilie 2010

The Torchlighters - The Eric Liddell Story

The Torchlighters - The Eric Liddell Story

The inspirational story of Eric Liddell, Olympic athlete and Christian missionary to China.
Eric was a national hero in Scotland whose countrymen were eager for their track star to bring home Olympic gold in the 100-meter race. But when Eric makes the stunning announcement that he won't race on Sunday, he is soon labeled a disgrace and a traitor. See how Eric's famous stand during the 1924 Olympics prepares him for even greater challenges as a missionary to China during World War II.

Genre: Animation | Short | Biography | Family
Runtime: 31 min
Language: English
Subtitles: ROMANA

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joi, 1 aprilie 2010

The Torchlighters - The John Bunyan Story

The Torchlighters - The John Bunyan Story

John Bunyan spends his days in prison, separated from his wife and children. Living in the cold, stone cell is the price he pays for going against the established state religion. If only he would agree to stop preaching, John could walk out a free man! Why does he choose to stay in jail, and how will he serve his Lord in this wretched place? Find out in this episode of The Torchlighters.

DVD Release Date: October 2, 2008
Run Time: 30 minutes
Language: English
Subtitles: ROMANA

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