sâmbătă, 24 aprilie 2010

The Greatest Adventure - Stories from the Bible: Noah's Ark (1986)

The Greatest Adventure - Stories from the Bible: Noah's Ark (1986)

Violence and corruption fill the earth, and God is angry. To punish this wickedness God vows to flood the world. Only one man and his family will be spared because they alone honor God's laws. That man is Noah. God commands Noah to build an ark and fill it with two of every kind of animal on the planet. As they go about constructing this massive boat, Noah and his sons must also put up with scorn and even sabotage from their sinful neighbors. But Noah and his family persevere, working day and night on their assignment from God. Noah's faith is vindicated when the heavens let forth with a torrent of rain that lasts for forty days. But God's test of Noah's courage and commitment is just beginning.

Violenta si coruptia cuprind Pamantul. Pentru a-i pedepsi pe pacatosi, Dumnezeu trimite un potop menit sa ii curete de pe fata Pamantului. Doar Noe si familia sa vor fi crutati pentru ca ei sunt singurii ce onoreaza legile lui Dumnezeu. Acesta ii spune sa construiasca o arca pe care sa o populezee cu cate o pereche din fiecare animal. Odata constructia inceputa, Noe si fiii sai persevereaza in ciuda urzelilor si sabotajelor venite din partea vecinilor lor pacatosi. Credinta lui Noe este justificata atunci cand din ceruri se dezlantuie o ploaie torentiala ce va tine 40 de zile. Dar testul lui Dumnezeu pentru curajul si hotararea lui Noe de-abia a inceput.

Writer: Harvey Bullock
Release Date: 1986 (USA)
Genre: Animation | Short | Family
Runtime: 26 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Subtitles: Romanian


Il puteti downloada de pe http://www.christianmovies.eu/

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