miercuri, 7 aprilie 2010

The Easter Story Keepers [1998]

The Easter Story Keepers [1998]

Ben the Baker, along with his wife Helena and their adopted children, must work together to save their Christian friends from Nero and his Roman soldiers. Ben is a Story Keeper: one who is entrusted to share the story of Jesus Christ during this time of heavy persecution.

Ben brutarul, impreuna cu sotia sa Helena si copiii lor adoptivi, trebuie sa munceasca impreuna pentru a-si salva prietenii crestini de Nero si soldatii lui romani. Ben este un Purtator al Povestilor: cel caruia ii este incredintat sa duca mai departe povestea lui Isus Cristos in acest timp de grea persecutie.

Director: Jimmy T. Murakami
Release Date: 28 February 1998
Genre: Animation
Runtime: 70 min
Country: USA
Language: English
Subtitles: ROMANA


DVD-ul il puteti downloada de pe http://www.christianmovies.eu/

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