Cabin in the Sky (1943)
Hopeful that her gambling, ne'er-do-well husband Little Joe Jackson has finally reformed, Petunia suggests that he have Rev. Green burn his dice and release the devil's hold on him. A religious woman and loving wife, Petunia is heartened by Little Joe's promise to repent his sins in church. Little Joe soon resumes his gambling, however, when gambler Domino Johnson entices him to return to the casino at Jim Henry's Paradise Café. Petunia later goes in search of Little Joe, only to discover that he has been shot in a gunfight at the Paradise Café. As Petunia prays over her wounded husband, Lucifer, Jr., the ghost of Little Joe's friend Lucius, enters the room and orders Little Joe to "report to duty." Little Joe does not believe that he is dying until Lucifer, Jr. and his three aides show him his lifeless body. When the General, responding to Petunia's prayers, suddenly appears in the room, Lucifer, Jr. engages him in a battle for Little Joe's soul. While Sgt. Fleetfoot is sent by the General to get a judgment on Little Joe's case from the Lord, Lucifer, Jr. predicts that Little Joe's involvement with vamp Georgia Brown will result in his banishment to Hell. The Lord determines that Little Joe is not fit for Heaven, but he permits Little Joe to return to Earth for six months and prove his worth. With no recollection of his meeting with the Lord or Lucifer, Jr., Little Joe regains consciousness and begins his six-month reprieve. Petunia believes her husband's recovery to be a miracle, but both she and Little Joe are unaware that Lucifer, Jr. and the General will be talking to his conscience and battling for his soul. No sooner does Little Joe resume his daily life than his gambling pals, Jim Henry and Dude, who have been sent by Lucifer, Jr., try to tempt him into a game of dice. Petunia chases Jim and Dude away, but Lucifer, Jr. devises another scheme to distract Little Joe and make him backslide into Hell. Heeding the advice of those working at the Hotel Hades Idea Department, Lucifer, Jr. decides to corrupt Little Joe with riches, and sends him a winning lottery ticket. Little Joe's chances at getting into Heaven improve when he plans to use the money to buy Petunia a washing machine and a house, but when Georgia intervenes, Little Joe returns to the Paradise Café. Petunia succeeds in winning back her husband by going to the casino and singing better than Georgia, but before they leave, a gun battle ensues and Petunia and Little Joe are shot and killed. Furious at Lucifer, Jr.'s meddling, the General sends down a storm and wrecks the Paradise Café. In Purgatory, Petunia is told that she is eligible to pass through the Pearly Gates into Heaven, while Little Joe is rejected. It is only after Little Joe repents and the Lord vouches for him that the General reverses his decision and allows Little Joe to join his wife in Heaven. Moments after he is told of the decision, Little Joe realizes that his brush with the afterlife was all a dream, and vows to change his ways.
Primul film de la Hollywood interpretat in totalitate de actori de culoare: Green Pasteures povestesc minunata fabula a lui Little Joe, turmentat intre dragostea pe care i-o poarta sotiei sale si nebunatecei Georgia Brown… astfel, e prins in mijlocul razboiului dintre Dumnezeu si Satana. Cum poate triumfa virtutea inaintea pacatului? Ei bine, Petunia spune ca “trebuie sa invingi raul cu aceleasi arme”. Este filmul de debut al lui Vincente Minnelli, iar din distributie fac parte Ethel Waters, Eddie "Rochester" Anderson, Lena Horne, Louis Armstrong si Duke Ellington – un adevarat arsenal si o veritabila comoara pentru filmul muzical. Cu o coloana sonora de exceptie, incluzand piesele "Taking a chance on Love" si "Happiness is a thing called Joe", Casa din Cer este o comedie nemaipomenita.
Director: Vincente Minnelli
Writer: Lynn Root, Joseph Schrank
Starring: Ethel Waters, Eddie 'Rochester' Anderson, Lena Horne
Genre: Musical | Fantasy
Release: 9 April 1943
Runtime: 99 min
Language: English
Subtitle: Romana
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